Sunday, October 21, 2007

"It Ain't Over Til It's Over..."

Everybody is saying it's all over.

Hillary is the presumptive candidate.

she's thirty points ahead in the polls.

And expected to wrap it all up in the first rounds of the Primary.

But it isn't all over.

And anyone who thinks it is didn't see Joe Biden today who reminds us that there are two and a half months before the Primary begins give or take what New Hampshire decides.

Joe Biden was on Stephanopolis this morning and he looked presidential.

I haven’t often said that although I really have a feeling for Joe who is the penultimate nice guy in person who you would delight in having a drink with….

Joe has always had that great mixture of Irish hail and fair well and Italian good will for his fellow man. He is bright, resourceful and best of all, experienced; yet he has not done all that well in the debate format.

The question is Why?

Part of it has to do with the fact that Joe’s policies need time to explain; he cannot package them into thirty seconds which is a problem with the forums as they’ve been remade. . But Joe has been there and done that and I suspect he is the best and most experienced candidate among the candidates.

He can also argue the Republican value’s argument as he did this morning.

And he also gave the best thought out solution for Iraq.

This wasn’t just off the top of his head.

I heard him speak shortly after Bush announced a win in Iraq nearly five years ago.

At that time, his theories had not cooked enough. He was basing his approach on his feelings rather than the real thing…

I did not agree with him and sent him letter after letter to that affect.

If Joe knew that it was me, I don’t think he would have spoken to me down at the yearly beach party that Democrats have in Sussex County…..

He has been to Iraq many times since and he has listened to the right people. His federalized Iraq is a program that has not received the attention it needs, even though it got attention from the group appointed by Bush’s dad.

Joe is a smart guy and he is the penultimate public servant.

He is one of those people who really love this role.

And if you knew him, you’d know why.

He comes from family that is committed to public service. His youngest son is now Attorney General in the State of Delaware, his sister supports Joe’s candidacy and Hunter, the eldest boy is knee deep in the law trying to help those less fortunate.

Even his sister is engaged. This is a do-gooder family!....and corny as it sounds, they really do good!

I think it would be a lot fairer to all of the candidates if they had five minutes each to go over the high points of where they stand on things, what they see as the priorities with another five minutes tacked on for questions and answers based upon questions submitted by the viewing audience and rated for relevancy.

This would provide a much more balanced picture of where the candidates stand and what we can expect from them in the heat of the Election and afterwards.

Anyway, that’s my perspective.

Les Aaron

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