Making Sow's Ears Out of Silk Purses...
Listen or watch the media and you find what you are subjected to astounding to say the least.…
One has to keep wondering why all of the network talking heads try to dignify and intellectualize what this Administration does…
To support their theses, they go into all of this intellectual drivel in order to suggest that this government is motivated by a sincere wish to do well for its people.
It has no such interest and you don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize it....
Just look at record--from unjustified wars to cities left in ruin.
In fact, the only thing they seem to do well is to fill their own coffers and take care of their special interests.
After observing government since before the days of Nixon, it gives me no pleasure to harp on this even though I predicted it long before the 2000 election....
Nevertheless, with even a modicum of common sense, we should be able to remove the veil from our eyes and see things the way they are.
Shouldn't experience tell us we are dealing with a very limited man with very selfish interests who like most limited men has no doubts about his decisions, a man who lacks even a scintilla of intellectual curiosity much less the desire to do good for his common man, a man who doesn’t mind re-inventing the facts if it suits his purpose, whose purpose has nothing to do with the oath he swore to this country before taking office…
Do we not realize this; or are we incapable of admitting it?….
Is it any more than that?
Poll after poll tells us that the public believes that this administration is incompetent.
But nobody asks why.
It is the feeling of this writer that the public judges this cabal as incompetent because we are expecting a different result.
The fact is that this cabal more or less has achieved what it is after.
It is, in fact, very efficient at getting what it wants…
But this requires a level of insight that recognizes that this administration's goals and our goals are two very different things...
What then is the concensus/
If a government is totally insensitive to the needs of its people, and it operates outside of the rules of that government, it may be considered a "rogue" government, who by its very actions is operating at cross purposes with the best interests of its people, and, if this is the case, is justified in being replaced.
Increasingly, this is the view of myself and friends--both republican and democratic, independents and conservatives. Yet,
This is the conclusion we like least.
And we are partly the reason for it.. For the most part, it says more about us than perhaps we would like. It says that in our search for
mythic heroes to lead us, we have so misjudged the candidates and ourselves that we are now left in an untenable position. . If we do nothing, we have nearly two more years of mischief; if we do something to right the problem, we subject ourselves to a legal battle that may leave scars for coming generations. Neither choice is acceptable. …..
In the end, it is all about a few things. Money, power and their use to one’s advantage.
This administration persists in flipping us the finger because in their sheer arrogance, they really don't believe that they will be held to a higher standard; that there is retribution; or punishment; or that they will be held to account. Moreover, their excessive greed and self interest seems to know no bounds.
We have had bad presidents before. But never before have we had a president who doesn't seem to care what the public thinks, his role in history or anything else beyond the realization of his own personal ends--whatever they might be..
The harsh lesson here is that if we do nothing, if we condone such actions, it might well happen again.
And while the prospects are unavoidable, the custodians of the law must uphold the law. Or democracy slips away.
And those guilty must be punished.
As of this point, the electorate is starting to catch on.
In time, we hope that everything will pour out—before we reach the proverbial “tipping points.”
The fact remains that we are at the nadir of our democracy with many question marks as to whether we can bounce back.
Hopefully, we shall prove that Americans are vastly underrated, that we resilient enough to do what is necessary but that doesn’t change the cards that we’ve allowed them to deal to us…
In the meantime, we struggle on. In that, we try to make sense of things that make no sense. And that's because we naively believe that the government's ends are our ends. We must free our minds of that notion if we are to salvage our democracy.
Les Aaron
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