Wednesday, June 27, 2007

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We Have Seen the Enemy....

If nothing else, I have always told the truth.

You may love me or hate me, but at least you can respect me.

And that’s why I am writing this.

It’s not that I’ve hesitated. You see evidence of it in most my writing. Suffice it to say, I am the cynic, the idealist who’s been burned.

But rather than pour out my vitriol on anything, I want to reserve it for something good, something worthy of my getting all worked up.

And I think saving our democracy is a suitably worthwhile cause no matter what anyone else thinks.

But what surprises me is that there are so few who think our outrage should be transformed into action even if it means saving the best form of government that ever was.

And this is a major source of disappointment to me.

After giving up count of all of the sleights made to the middle class in only the first year, and not hearing any firm response from the people, I thought this was strange but that it would happen. I mean after all, Americans are not stupid. They are not going to tolerate a government that lies to us, abuses us, takes us for granted and exists merely to make profits for its friends mainly through absurd treaties and agreements that could serve no other purpose or war.

Americans would not let that happen. They would not tolerate the loss of their freedoms, the arrogance of power, a unilateralist government that ignores the environment and does as it pleases—even to the extent of snooping on us!

But, sadly, no deux ex machine came out of the woodwork to take our part.

Congress was benign. The media was fat and happy and disinclined to tell it like it is.

And the rest of us were more concerned about our own bottom lines that we were the health of the American government.

And we were cowed by threats that responding back meant that we were less than patriots.

The truth dribbled out mainly through the Blogs and the few honest authors who were trammeled for their actions.

The sad news was that our Ombudsman didn’t exist

That our high standards of statesmanship were mainly a hollow façade.

That we didn’t even have a coterie of honest senior citizens willing to speak up and tell the truth.

It was politics uber alles and it was reminiscent of pre War Germany.

Communists became “terrorists.”

The existing government became unilateralist and thus tyrannical.

The media’s honesty was suspect.

And if you disagreed, you were a traitor.

9/11 became our Reichstag.

And all the rest was window dressing.

It was okay that our government was in collusion with its friends in defense and armaments.

It was okay that our president’s father and his consigliere sat on the board with the same people who funded the enemy…

It was okay that we started a war without proof…

It was okay that we took over the oil but we couldn’t get the water to run.

It was okay that we poured our collective wealth in order to try to turn a country that was against democracy into a democracy.

We were living in a “Through the looking glass environment,” until we looked at government from the perspective of taking care of your friends and personal gain.

We had a vice president who ran things from some labyrinth below ground.

It was okay that all of our jobs flowed elsewhere.

It was okay to endorse a North American partnership that is being put together behind closed doors and violates our own laws for the benefit of the few.

It is all okay because we refuse to stand up and do something about it.

We few Americans abrogated our relationship with England for far fewer reasons.

At that time, we found the men of courage and honor to do the deed.

Now, we are coming up dry.

And that is the most dire of findings and suggests that if we are unable to salvage all that is good about our world, we don’t deserve to exist.

What is especially troubling is that such a noble experiment could not survive The vermin in control today--and I know no better way to describe them....

And that more than anything leaves me saddened.

Yes, Bush, Cheney, you have burst my balloon but even beyond that, what is worse is that Americans seem incapable of deciding their own fate.

And that is even worse.

Les Aaron


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