Friday, June 27, 2008

"This is my weapon; this is my gun...."

Supreme Court Justice, Scalia, proves he is the moron I always thought he was.

Too bad he’s from Queens.

His appointment was a dark day for what I hold dear.

Well, at least, the Mario (MC) comes from Queens, too.

Anyway, have you ever seen such a big to do about being able to shoot your neighbor…or being able to carry a hand weapon that can blow your friend away?

La Pierre was actually foaming at the mouth.

I have never seen this gun crazy nut so ecstatic.

I guess with good reason.

He’s going to have the NRA’s wet dream: Everyone in America waving a fire arm.

Doesn’t it make your little heart go pitter patter?

Next, we’ll need a holiday to celebrate. National Shoot Something Day.

It’s amazing that grown men can act like children with a new toy; only this is a toy that kills and maims.

Most people who have been in War hate any associations with War.

And the one’s who cling to their weapons, are probably the one’s needing therapy.

One has to question whether we as a people really need to bear handguns.

That was okay when we needed a militia and there were only flintlocks available, but now they have 9 mms that can fire an entire clip within seconds.

Look at what happened to that poor citizen in New York who was shot at by mistake by police officers over 51 times and he didn’t even have a weapon.

What’s more, all this seeming exultation over a weapon of death makes you think.

Have you ever seen anyone so excited about a new book? A book that could tell you how to live a good life, help your neighbor, improve the world?

No, of course not.

Reading is down, and one suspects that it holds an inverse relationship with hand gun ownership.

Chances are if you use a gun, you don't read the book that tells you how to use it with restraint.

Why tell a real man anything? .

That should show you where we’re coming from.

We all think how wonderful Americans are.

And then you hear that Americans cannot live without their weapons.

And then as if to flesh that idea out, a recent poll pointed out that we, as a people, approve of torture.

Yes, true. 48% of Americans in the latest poll outright approved of torture. (The other sympathizers simply wouldn’t admit it.)

I’ve seen more care and compassion in some of the poorest places on Earth.

In the Domincan Republic where those who’s homes were flattened by hurricanes and tornadoes helped others they thought in worse shape. They didn’t have any guns, they didn’t have anything; yet they did what they could to help others…

In China, families routinely helped one another and I found that to be true all over Asia…..

In Korea, where we saw one family take in another because the father had been imprisoned for staying out after curfew. And they raised their eight kids for six months….no questions asked!

One of my best friends in Korea, a high ranking government official, showed humanity in every instance even though he had very little to give and I learned more from him about kindness and compassion than I ever learned from any weapons totting freak over here..

And on and on.

Only in America will people steal from a homeless man.

Only in America will our government throw somebody on the scrap heap because they can’t afford to pay their medical bills; or turn them out of their homes….

Only in America will our government deny benefits to a Veteran.

So enjoy your victory, wave your guns around and remember to keep your safety on.

Les Aaron

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