Monday, June 23, 2008

A little baggage included with your vote

The Washington Post on Sunday proffered an editorial that should have every thinking Democrat scared to death.

What they were writing about was McCain’s likely choices that he, himself, has floated around.

And just two of them would be enough to rethink my actions….

One set of appointments would involve two of McCain’s old buddies.

One of them, Dick Armitage, would be a likely choice for Secretary of Defense according to this pundit. He was deputy Secretary of State under Colin Powell and he, himself, was having issues with the conduct of the Iraq War.
That choice isn’t too bad; it’s the second choice that could send me back to therapy.

The second choice might be reason to rethink any lingering thoughts that some may have about voting for McCain.

It is rumored in the editorial section of the Washington Post that a good bet for Secretary of State would be one-time democrat, Joe Lieberman, the hawk on Iraq.

With Joe Lieberman, with his outsized ego, it may be hard to reel him in from the prospect of branding Iran as having WMD or stepping up the tempo in the Middle East.

It would be déjà vu to go over this same territory again, but, also, and some seem to forget, potentially a death blow when one considers that Iran has been lining up with China and Russia. Need we remind anyone that Russia still has more than 10,000 missiles in its inventory.

World Wars have started over less.

And with Russia’s nuclear arsenal that could be retargeted in a matter of minutes, voting a hawk into a situation calling for the finesse of a diplomat’s touch, seems like a vote for collective suicide. For anyone with grandchildren, a vote for McCain has to be regarded as foolhardy and short-sighted in the extreme.

Say “no” to Joe Lieberman as Secretary of State. Vote your good sense.

Vote Obama.

Les Aaron

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