Thursday, October 25, 2007

The parable of the fox and the sheep

The Fox speaks before an assembly of favored sheep.

And they rush home believing every word that the fox said.

But the sheep cannot seem to understand that every night they go home to fewer

Now, the head fox will say that sheep are simply prone to natural disease that can cause a rapid Depletion in their numbers. That sheep are not predisposed to fight disease. And that most sheep would willingly sacrifice themselves to prevent anti-sheep terrorist activities.

The sheep buy into that.

But in the course of six years, they discover that their savings are down, there are fewer jobs for sheep and that all of the programs seemed designed to help out the foxes.

But instead of doing something about it, they hunker down in self doubt.

If the chief fox says it’s so, it must be so….

Today, fifty percent of the Republican party believe that the head fox is right.

And the passive sheep in the “other” party are too intimidated—being sheep—to do something about it and try to find rationales for escaping any responsibility.

Like, “oh, that stuff happens. We just have to be tougher sheep!”

Or that chief fox is still our leader and we must believe him and follow him to the ends of the earth.”

Too bad, sheep tend to live up to their biological expectations.

Leg of lamb anyone?

But there is yet another group out there, not sheep or fox but predatory nonetheless.

A group that doesn’t buy into the rhetoric and is not kidding itself about bringing democracy to the world. They know that our Wars are not about cute democratic notions. They can’t be since our government has already eviscerated democracy in our country.
It is about economic advantage and the sooner we realize that the better off we’d be.

It’s one thing to have our troops protect the word for democracy; it’s quite another to send them off to fight for economic advantage.

This other group, I call the eagles.

They are weary; they don’t say much but they are hanging on every word.

Some of them are motivated for personal reasons; but many others want America to return to the notions of democracy, to combat global warming, build jobs and opportunity again.

If this group finds its core, it may just change the way politics are conducted in this country.

And they are rising as we speak in power and influence.

Consider that the biggest group in America today is not sheep or fox,
It is the Independents.

And what will happen to the US depends on whether they get their heads on straight.

It would be nice to see an endangered species make its way back!....

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon

The Committee for Positive Change

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