Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What We Are Told...

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We are told that everything’s okay with foreign policy and 75% of republicans believe it.

We are told that the earth is 4000 years old, and 50% of the population believes it.

We are told that Saddam was responsible for 9/11 and 60% of our population believes it.

We are told that if we don’t stop terrorism abroad, terrorism will come here and more than a majority believe it..

We are told that there is no such thing as Evolution and fifty percent or more of us believe it…

We are told that attack terrorism effectively we must listen in on American’s telephone messages and we must put aside habeas corpus or the ability of an accused person to meet with his or her legal defense, and we tend to accept it…

We are told that rich Americans must receive tax breaks because trickle down economics is what stimulates the economy and we believe it…

We are told that Free Trade is in the interests of the Middle Class and we accept it…

We are advised that Americans will benefit from an economy where all manufacturing is moved off-shore and we buy it…

We are told that its okay to fight terrorism overseas but we are not told anything about the measures being taken to protect us at home as for example in protecting our borders, inspecting containers, providing enhanced security for our Ports, better tools for our first responders…

We are told that the reason oil prices are so high is because of the market not predatory pricing on the part of the oil companies and we buy into that explanation

We are told that pharmaceutical prices are so high because of the high cost of introduction—another lie promulgated by the PMA and endorsed by our leadership and we accept that…

We are told that eleven million illegal immigrants need to be integrated into America’s mainstream but we are not told how to pay for it…

We are told that the service sector can adequately replace our manufacturing base and no one questions it…

We are told that American labor is fully employed except we don’t recognize that after benefits are paid, we no longer lists Americans seeking jobs as among the unemployed…

We are told that the home building market is part of a cycle but that doesn’t explain why most Americans are over-extended and do not have access to credit or home equity when they are faced with a crunch which is almost always…and we accept this explanation

We are told that it’s necessary to raise interest rates to protect our banking system as our banks get richer and more and more Americans default on their indebtedness.

We are told that republican leadership is good for America while this country’s wealth is redistributed so that more sixty percent is in the hands of the top 5% of wage earners…

We are told it’s okay that the top 5%of wage earners earn more than the bottom forty percent after taxes…

We are told that it’s okay that executives can earn as much as 400 times the income of the worker on the floor…

We are told that there is no such thing as Global Warming as the number and frequency of tornadoes and hurricanes increase and strange weather patterns lay siege to the world even threatening the survival of low-lying areas…

We are told that our men and women veterans are taken care of while an increasing number are left high and dry with so-called personality disorders, according to the VA, when their benefits run out…

Our colleges and universities have become havens for the rich as well as foreign students while our ow student are deprived of the loans and scholarships necessary to assure a competitive middle class…

We are told that its okay to import ingredients and other food stocks from foreign countries without inspecting them…

We are told that we are being given all the news fit to print which means all the news that won’t embarrass those who are impacted by the news and we believe it…

We were told that Iraq had WMD

We were told that “We are going to get bin Laden….’

We have been told that republicans know what to do about terrorism implying that democrats are weak on preparedness and anti-terrorist strategies while the Tailiban are preparing for a new assault and things continue to crumble in Iraq no matter how we describe them…

What other lies will we be told and expected to accept over the next two years until the election…

Les Aaron

The Armchair Curmudgeon


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