Monday, April 30, 2007

A Democracy As Smokescreen for a Monarchy...

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The Smokescreen of Democracy

It seems that we are following a path not unlike other countries who saw themselves in grandiose terms and felt it was within their purview to advocate aggression and eco-nationalism and globalist tendencies of power and control.

What we are exposed to is nothing new; It is a hybrid form of Colonialism rewritten to appear as if we are saving the world whereas in reality, we are working to plunder and control it. You see, nothing has really changed. If anything, we are no better than the British, the Germans, the Belgians and the French of other generations who tried to rationalize their brutality and self aggrandizement. However, in our case, the few get rich and the country bleeds its vital assets—vital assets that should be used to make us better and brighter to advance the state of thinking and help the world. These dwindling assets are being used to enrich the few as the many find themselves struggling to survive.

In the final analysis, we are catering to the kind of mind sets promulgated by the Yankee investors who saw the world as an American oyster just ready for the picking. This is nothing new. It’s the kind of mentalities shaped by the secret organizations, the Skull and Bones, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the other groups made up of people of privilege who were aggressive internationalists including the Cabots, the Lodges, the Bushes who saw the world as ripe for plunder and economic advantage.… It was not holy ground they were pursuing with their collective argot, it was simply profits not unlike the Robber Barons or the Colonial masters of previous centuries…

What we are doing is emulating the path of the other great conquering powers who eventually became a blip on the historical time line--eclipsed from their pinnacles of power because in their own ambitions, they were blindsided as to what keeps a country moving forward.

Our present government's view is already working towards the eventual downfall of America and towards a new economic unit that would advantage the rich and ignore the needs of the poor. We are seeing indications of that with the Mexican, Canadian, US treaty for economic partnership, which is nothing more than a shill for more profits for the bosses and dregs for the workers.

If we examine how we've neglected our own country in the last six years, we begin to see how America's policy has served to reduce this country to a colonial power while enriching those who control its assets. Our schools, libraries, and institutions of learning and science are less and less competitive and less equipped to meet the challenges of today. The Chinese excel at everything. Indians control our domestic job market for one reason: They work cheaper and don’t ask for benefits. Our work is flowing to other countries leaving our best and brightest to get by with part-time service sector jobs. College costs have forced parents already suffering with a stagnant housing market to incur more and more debt that they cannot already keep up with. Crime is on the rise in all of our cities. Why? Because the people do not see any opportunity. Our prisons have become a favorite growth industry of the rich that has no problem getting the country to pay 85,000 dollars a year to incarcerate one person whereas they stand to earn nothing if the state were to underwrite an education for half the cost. Yes, business is doing well--for at least the managers and the investors; but the truth is that we are in more debt than ever as a country; we can't afford to take care of our population's medical or pharmaceutical needs; and we have become a gross exporter of agricultural products and importer of finished goods--qualifying us as a Third World Nation. Increasingly, our future’s is being determined by a handful of countries—Japan, China, Britain and Saudi Arabia. What more proof do we need that democracy has been reshaped to fulfill the needs of the greedy in an age that is reinventing Sun Gods and unapologetic Royalty..

Yet, we run around the world investing in our high tech and weapons systems while our country falls apart. These are the issues that lie beneath the surface right now and someday, someone will have the courage to tell it as it is.

If we are to survive as a country, we must take our bitter medicine now. We must promulgate needed change in a way that will be good for our future. We cannot hope to move forward without a radical overhaul.

Presently, nobody is striking this chord.

But unless we do, we will join the ranks of Spain, Portugal and Belgium, the other once-great countries of the past…

Les Aaron


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