The Holy Crusade of the Blue Suits
I watched the debate and wondered what the heck these ten white men were debating about.
Was this the big Sunday School in the sky?
Give me a break.
Was this about being a good boy scout or saving this country?
It seems that instead of coming up with ideas to solve the problems of America, these white men in blue suits were trying to prove their bonifides as good Christians who are mounted on their white chargers and eager to turn back science and dictate women’s use of their body.
But they didn't stop there.
They also were interested in changing the laws to eliminate the possible contagion of the work force by gays, the scourge of true Christian crusaders.
Clearly they will all go to Heaven but what exactly did this have to do with the problems facing America?
Were we to take seriously McCain’s claim that he would follow bin Laden to the gates of Hell?
Read as: WHy didn't Bush do it?
And what did it all mean?
It seemed like more a
recruitment program for a new Holy Order than the evaluation of a candidate hoping to be elected president.
To this observer, it would have seemed logical if the candidates had used this opportunity to solve some of the world’s problems instead of dictating personal values and violating the idea that government and politics did not belong in the same discussion. In fact, it looks like republicans are pursuing once again the Seinfeld solution: Build a campaign about nothing!
It was a powerful indicator of things to come.
Clearly, the republicans on the podium tonight are still pandering to the ultra-conservatives who don’t like them anyway and ignoring the Reagan democrats and the Independents. And that might be the kiss of death.
Because conservatives are in disarray.
They don't even agree on what conservatism is anymore.
So instead of opening the tent, they made it as small as a telephone booth and cut out three quarters of America.
To what end?
Only that it's given encouragement to the men standing in the wings...The Hagels, Thompsons, Gingrichs that the coast is clear to make a run. They are the only beneficiaries of tonight's misguided affair.
If the democrats are smart, they will pick up on this giant vacuum of ideas and leadership and run with it…
They will hit on the message that democrats do not want God dictating governmental policy. That we have ideas for solving the problems facing America. That we can leave Iraq, generate jobs, end our dependency on foreign oil and address the problems of global warming.
It’s time to get out there and beat the Bushes big-time.
Are you up for it?
Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon
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