Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cleaning Up the Gene Pool

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If the young dudes who talked about attacking Fort Dix are any example of today’s archetypal terrorist, it seems that for the most part they must be drawing from the bottom of the gene pool.

These pseudo-terrorists don’t seem competent enough to tie their shoes by themselves much less lead an assault on one of our premier training facilities.

In early interviews, they gave as their reason for attacking Fort Dix the fact that it was convenient to one of their friends father’s store and, two, it afforded them the opportunity to produce lots of dead GI’s. Well thought out as one could see.

What did they hope to achieve by their brainless mission? To paraphrase these blind-sided jihadists: To kill as many GI’s as possible.

Aside from that, they didn’t seem to be swept away by any noble mission; no sweeping grand design that would bestow upon them some kind of sublime recognition for their moral and ethical beliefs or a guaranteed place in Heaven..

What influenced them? Al Qaeda propaganda films….They wanted to become martyrs to their opaque cause—whatever that was…

These young kids didn’t seem to have much of an idea about anything. In our day, we would have called them simply brainless juvenile delinquents. For them, perhaps the idea of Jihad was just a way to fill an empty boring existence where they didn’t have much of a chance of achieving accomplishment, fame or even notoriety

These young people were clearly losers swept away with one consuming idea, jihad.

Ordinarily, you might think this would be a big let down for Islamic parents or an example of survival of the fittest in motion. What better way to clear a couple of seats at the table for the next Ramadan.

One might posit why Islamic youngsters are so eager to seek a passport to heaven when most kids their age are satisfied with a ticket to the Raiders game.

Clearly, their frustrations, anxieties and sense of inferiority have to go back long before any American invasion of Iraq. We seem to serve as only an outlet for their frustrations brought about by their own inferiorities. Who knows? On the other hand, maybe Islam is onto something: Clearing the gene pool and eliminating those who didn’t have much of a chance of advancing up the food chain. Sometimes, life and Nature come up with their own solutions.

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon


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