Cehalopod mollusks and mental midgets of the family Hymenoptera.
It is a strange time to be alive.
When I left to go north to Canada before New Year’s in 1999, I had a premonition that we were in for a time of bizarre unpredictability which at the time, was mainly fueled by our failure to consider a few digits on the computer calendar. To offset that possibility, I put together one of the most comprehensive survival kits that did help me survive two blizzards and other hazards during that trip north.
Interestingly, as we approached 2000, it occurred to me that we had not made provision for anything that might happen in a new millennium. How could that be? How could our gurus of the computer been caught so short.
It made little sense.
Nor has much that has happened since.
In fact, it has become in my view at least, a pretty senseless world.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that perhaps I was being prophetic but not really knowing the reason why.
I guess I could be considered the kind that sees a Conspiracy around every corner, and, if anyone will listen, I will bedazzle them with the facts I’ve garnered that support my various cases.
But most people have the common sense not to subject themselves to raving, foaming lunatics like myself. I don’t know why I had this level of suspicion about everything. I wasn’t brought up to be paranoid; yet, I was at the confluences of many things that have still be unsettled or never resolved to my particular satisfaction.
And I could quote chapter and verse.
But now I am preoccupied with still another thought.
And that is a feeling that has gradually taken precedence over my incipient paranoia, and that has to do with the way most people look at things and who they decide to elevate to iconic levels and our willingness to accept everything that our leaders tend to tell us. It seems that we can not be bothered to generate the mental energy to have to think our way out of anything.
What is even more frightening than my conspiracy addiction is the fact that I am being moved more and more into the camp that believes our society has lost its good sense.
There is no other way to put it.
Our leaders spout answers or positions that seem to me so backwards, so distant from our real challenges and needs that they no longer reflect any ties to reality.
What’s more people listen to them and seem impressed.
Why, pray tell.
What makes this all possible are two things; A lack of concern for objective facts and overly short memories.
For example, Sarah Palin is intent upon informing the rest of the world of her knowledge, which if anything, is probably the one thing that she seems to lack in abundance.
The other progenitor of this kind of mental myopia that we all seem to be afflicted by is the fact that the Republicans are blaming everything that happened over the prior eight years on Obama and the Democratic party.
How could these kind of mental gyrations take place in a civilized world? Is it me? Or have we just lost our ability to think?
Someone once told me that if you say something strongly and often enough, people will believe it.
I now think that is more often the case than not.
But those two single examples exemplify what I am going through.
I can’t be bothered listening to all of the lies and contrivances of the right that persist to this day.
Fox has more listeners than CNN. How could that be.
Is it that people don’t want real NEWS. They just want to be supported in their presumptions, in their inherent biases. And who does that better than Fox?
Has the democratic desire to be non-partisan silenced all of the republican critics so that we don’t offend the right wing?
I don’t know.
But increasingly, like I said before, little is making any sense these days. For the last five years, I’ve discovered that in order to have objective discussions, I’ve had to leave the country. Maybe it’s time to see if my old Canadian citizenship is still valid. Or maybe time to reactivate it.
I can barely watch TV any longer because of the anger it generates in me.
If we are a democracy, shouldn’t we be worried about the survival of the Middle Class?
Be we are not!
In our willingness to accommodate even those who beat us up, we dare not rock the boat when the boat should have been allowed to sink and a new contract for a new boat issued to American boat builders without inherent bias. . Never mind that the boat that we keep afloat has been brought to the point of cap-sizing with policies that no democrat ever got close to.
It is literally maddening for me and I believe any thinking person, who, like myself, finds himself mired in meritless arguments that hold no water and understanding that barely skims the surface. You can’t hold an argument with people who are incapable of understanding issues, of people who are more affected by inherent biases and party affiliation that common sense.
Therefore, the best one can do, is try to bring clarity to the fore. Expound on ideas and common threads in the hope and expectation that you will find some brain cells around somewhere that are still alive and can be encouraged to regenerate.
For now it doesn’t seem hopeful.
Instead, I am focusing on the Octupus who seems to have his/her purpose quite well thought out, has the ability to reason, at least enough to survive long enough to do its part to repopulate the oceans with its progeny. There is nothing quite like a protective Octopus mother.
And looking about as to how our great minds are working hard to destroy society, it is quite a change of pace.
Maybe we could learn something from our friends in the deep.
Les Aaron
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