Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Have No Fear, Keith;
We're Here!....

There are rumors flying that Keith Olbermann is under a lot of heat from the Network and that his ratings have done a tailspin.

The question is "Why?"

Are the preverts from FOX on his case for being too good at what he does?

The fact is that when the news looked bleak.

That I along with tons of others were not going to take it anymore, Keith came out of nowhere to assuage our injured sensibilities.

Okay, you may not love everything Keith does, but that doesn't change the facts one iota.

Keith is our man, and if you don't like him, get out of our way.

We are the faithful and we are with Keith to the end.

And if Keith ever has a need for a fan club, he need look no further.

End of story.

Keith, we love yah, baby! Keep up the good have given a lot of us the courage to go on!

Les Aaron

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