Friday, February 05, 2010

American Taxpayer: Beware, the US Army is preparing to seduce your child.

If you think I am kidding, then you simply haven’t been paying attention to an Army that has not only updated its notion of soldiering but also its recruitment techniques.

The fact of the matter is that US tax funds are being used for the keenest form of seduction.

The Army has finally figured it out.

The way to build up its might, is not to try to pressure young men and women to give up their lives and join the Armed Services. No way! Not today. Today, the entire recruiting focus has been reshaped and modernized and woe unto them who do not fully understand what today’s military recruiters are up to and how sophisticated the new subtle pitches are.

The Army has put the past behind them in every way possible. They know that the pitch Be All You Can Be has a limited life-span and appeals mainly to the conscious mind, and if you want to meet your quotas, you have to probe beneath the conscious mind. They understand, therefore, that ingratiating one’s self and providing sermons about the advantages of Army life has grown old to savvy young people and new tactics were mandated. But who would have believed that they would use state of the art techniques that combine the mind and pleasure principles to seduce young minds; yet it is happening and now.

Somewhere along the line, you can bet your bottom dollar that they have meetings up the yin-yang with psychiatrists and motivational planners and three card monte players to assess what a young man or woman want in their young lives; more so, what they find irresistible. And this time, they are right on the money.

The success matrix of possibilities employ a new kind of enticement using motivational tools that run the gamut from technologies that produce pleasure, the competitiveness and mastery demonstrated by gaming, the latest visual and computer technology, and other forms of stimulation that appeal emotionally and viscerally to young minds.

Rooted somewhere in that generalized profile is the knowledge that young people today are obsessed with the idea of computer games.

It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that American children are possessed from an early age with the desire to use the computer for the simple pleasure of playing games.

That’s why the new Recruitment Centers the Army is opening up without fanfare is nothing like the places of old, cold, gray places with lot’s of American flags and pictures of massive weapons.

No way. Today, in fact, they look like the updated penny arcades of old, but instead of featuring viewing machines and different kinds of games of toss, these arcades are models of what it takes to seduce a young mind. What they feature are the latest and most sophisticated military games incorporating everything from being inside a jet plane to bombing an enemy with weapons that look and sound like the real thing. Never mind, that the simulations are of people dying or being blown to smithereens.

What is the issue is that young people are being sucked in at the age of thirteen or fourteen in a relationship with a seductive looking military machine.

I’m not sure what that does to one’s sense of morality or ethics or how it inures a young mind to the conception of death and destruction; that will take years of study to decipher but for now, it looks like the military’s approach is working.

And no one seems to be disturbed by the whole thing.

If I had teen age children—or even pre-teens—I would warn them with every fiber of my being that such places of “play” should be rated x, requiring a parent’s permission.

And I am sure that if that ploy were used in certain parts of the world, parents would be up in arms for trying to manipulate young minds, but here it seems that anything goes and nobody much cares….or if they do, they are not saying anything at this point.

And who knows what the future holds.

What’s especially troubling is not only are Americans being deceived, their tax dollars are going to fund such enterprises. Woe is us, it seems. The Devil has found a new way to rob us of our children when some blindsided self-serving demigod decides it’s time for a War.

An aside here, that vouchsafes my feelings: War should not be left up to politicians, I believe, or people with personal agendas but should be made by those who have experienced the rigors of War up close and decided by the population at large in public meetings held around the country. It is that important.
Remember, Wars tend to distract us from everything else and it comes at a huge expense in terms of our futures and our well-being and should not be decided to win natural resources, “get even” for past affronts, or as a means of winning votes.

As a qualifier, I should add that I am not against a young person performing service for their country, but I find it bone-chilling to see such deception, especially when no one knows what the implications are for mind and body and to understand that it is being done behind our backs, without our permission.

Perhaps Americans will need to rise up for once. For, surely, this seems important enough to rise up about.

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon

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