Tuesday, July 29, 2008

When Worlds End

It sounds like the same thing that Monica did for Justice, the government did when it decided to populate the Green Zone in Iraq.

Instead of having all of the promised specialists to restore order and services in Iraq's major cities, they populated the Green Zone with young incompetents who were adjudged to have voted "right" and to have paid appropriate homage to their master, the Bushmeister....

It is sad and embarrassing to see our government so incompetently managed and it is worse when the idea that lives are being held captive by political decisions that have no place in governing a country.

So one wonders why we were to expect a different outcome in Iraq when we couldn't even mobilize properly to handle a hurricane in one of our oldest and most well loved cities.

When our own government puts unqualified people into responsible positions, it says more than we need to know about the contempt our leadership has for doing the right thing. That by itself seems to be a violation of one's oath of office.

Instead of doing what is right, our government is more concerned about achieving its lopsided agenda that benefits the few, the rich, those who donate over those who need help, the poor, the uneducated, the infirm.

In some ways, it seems to me that there is just degrees difference with a totalitarian system that takes, takes and takes.

We have fallen a long way and we have learned some things perhaps we didn't want to know.

Among them, our government doesn't care one whit for us.

Our Supreme Court is political.

Our Media is compliant and subservient.

Our Congress is weak, weak, weak and an embarrassment

Our protective agencies do not protect

Our Military is only valued when it serves and forever after neglected by those who should know better

Most of the government is incompetent and does not know what it is doing...

That our leaders are only concerned with filling their larders....

And they don't care if the storms and the rising tides destroy what is best about our country....

They don't care if the flora and fauna die....

They don't care if species end....

Or the air and water kills us......

Even a totalitarian system might not go that far.....

But the lesson to them is simple: We don't care enough to do something about it.

And that's the rub.

Les Aaron

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