Thursday, March 20, 2008

John's Incredible Iranian Adventure

John, shouldn't you have finished the primer, before you

started lecturing the rest of us?.

John McCain seemed to think that eight trips to Iraq makes

him an expert on the Iraq War and what it portends.

But if you are going to employ the visual symbolism and lecture the rest of us, you should not repeatedly get the connections wrong and have to be reminded by Joe

Lieberman of that fact.

Several times during this trip, John blamed the Iranians for training Al Qaeda.

And until Lieberman clued him, he never mentioned a word about terrorism in his speech.

John has consistently make it sound as if we went to Iraq to eliminate Al Qaeda.

That doesn’t exactly make us look very professionals to those who hang on our every word.

I mean it’s one thing if you can’t get the facts straight; it’s still another if you are lumping everything together and simply don’t give a crap about what anyone else thinks like your buddy Dick Cheney….

John, let me point out that Al Qaeda wasn’t in Iraq before we arrived; they only went there because we had contributed to a power vacuum. John, their base was Afghanistan—the eastern part in the mountainous areas.

You remember Afghanistan, don’t you John. That’s where we originally sent ten men to take out bin Laden and then only a month after 9/11. A case of too little, too late, John.

But of course, you didn’t have much to say about that. That was our great Panjandrum in the White House who was as anxious to get bin Laden as he was to shore up the housing market.

After all, if you end the symbol of “terrorism,” how do you continue to control the people and alter the Constitution?

What’s more, John, Iran doesn’t support Al Qaeda, it supports Hezbollah.

The fact that John & Company, on the taxpayers’ dime, also visited Israel and were very satisfied with the PLO leader’s support for peace—only the PLO leader doesn’t have the clout to do anything one way or the other. He’s out of Gaza and may already be losing his advantage on the West Bank. The fact is that they are a non-player.

Were it not for Israel’s support, Hezbollah would run things unimpeded and they are the one’s guided by Iran. What’s more, John, FYI, Hezbollah has become much more sophisticated and much more powerful with the ability to penetrate our computer screen.

You see, the rising cost of oil has created the money for support of both Iranian and Arabian causes including the reprinting of a Koran that pinpoints the West as the hated enemy.

Would these places even be able to stir up trouble if we didn’t support gas guzzlers; but that’s another matter.

I recognize that this is a lot to swallow, John; but this is supposed to be your strong suit so you should at least get the cast of characters right.

Lord knows what you plan to do about the economy, John.

I mean as an expert on the Middle East as you claim, you should at the very least know that the forces of Al Qaeda are supported by the Sunni Arabs, not Iranian Muslims who support the Shia’ and that the only reason that the Sunni’s and Shia’ in Iraq aren’t killing each other right now, is because Shia’ leader, Sadr, has declared a cease fire and the GI’s are paying off the Sunni Sheiks….

Otherwise, they’d be right back at it….

And John keep something else in mind.

When you say that the Surge is working and things are getting better, keep in mind that you are being surrounded by companies of special forces, helicopters, and State Department operatives who’s only duty is to keep you and your compatriots safe!

This is not reality, John.

And bear in mind where you go might be imperiled by your presence.

Remember what happened the last time when you visited the market and called it safe, and then within days it was literally blown off the map?

On another subject, John, I just can’t imagine what this little junket for you and your friends cost the American taxpayer just so you could get the facts so dreadfully wrong.

Les Aaron

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