Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's All Over But the Shouting!

Unless there’s some major fall-out; unless someone tells us that this is all a conservative plot, I cannot see Hillary getting the nod at this point.

It just won’t happen.

In the end, it still boils down to numbers.

Hillary couldn’t win before because she didn’t have the numbers…

Now, she can’t win, because she blew off the Virginia, Maryland primaries….

The watershed, I suspect, will turn out to be South Carolina.

They misjudged. Hillary and Bill, that is.

They thought that they could “nuance” their words; but they were caught at it.

And the voting public didn’t like what they saw.

It was the same old thing.

In this case, dirty pool.

Nobody likes dirty pool.

Especially now!

It just reinforced the concept of CHANGE in all its permutations!

As it promulgated the changing of allegiances….

All those who thought of Bill as the first black president, were wondering if he wasn’t really an Uncle Tom, ready to switch positions for finite advantage.

It was a long shot.

And it didn’t work.

Everything went down hill after that.

With Obama staying above the fray and chalking up victories in ten states in a row.

It’s hard to come back from something like that.

In this case, it’s almost impossible.

Perhaps there’s still a miracle in the offing; but I doubt it.

She would have to win in all three states to stay a contender with 65 percent of the vote….

That’s not likely to happen!

Especially with shifting attitudes.

No doubt, this Primary season will be studied for many years to come….

McCain, virtually dead, no money, no support, coming back to life long enough to become frontrunner!.

The Giuliani strategy that was no strategy at all.

The Mormon who spent forty million dollars to come up short….

Huckabee, the candidate with no money, becoming number two.

Dodd, Richardson, and Biden, the experience candidates not together earning any kind of real recognition….

And, Edwards, who turned his friendly 2004 approach into an angry campaign that nobody wanted to hear….

All that and more….

In a raucous 2008 Primary Season….

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