Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Voter Reanimated!

Holy Moly, folks, I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t there.

In the half dozen times I’ve voted here, I’ve never seen more than one other soul and perhaps three or four octogenarians manning the voting boards here.

I had even been a greeter with the junior Senator from my state, an old air force pilot, and we stood outside and greeted the voters as they dribbled in.

So, I wasn’t expecting much to tell the truth.

But in this Primary, the past does not count.

And was I surprised to see the place packed.

There were three people taking names with three back-ups and two people setting up the simplified voting machines we use here. Don’t ask me if they make a permanent record. I don’t know although I wrote everybody to get us to back the paper ballot.

There had to be at least seventeen ahead of me and by the time I left, as many backing me up.

More than a few had canes and there were even a few people of color who showed up.


And I even spotted one or two families coming in to do the right thing.

And these people were very serious voter

The former head of the Eastern Democratic president was there to resolve problems but I didn’t see a similar rep from the Republicans.

I realized that the voters now were playing for real.

For whatever reason, they were coming out to vote.

Both republicans and democrats both vote on the same day.

This was something different; this was proof positive that we the public sensed a transformation upon us and they were either for the status quo or for change.

This is a state that’s about split equally between both parties although the democrats outnumber republicans overall by about 50,000 votes.

In the south where we are, the balance shifts to the republicans but not by much.

Five years ago, there were 70,000 residents here; now there are over 200,000 and it is said that under the new land use plan, there will be room for another 2,000,000 people which will cause everybody to go bonkers because we are not set up infrastructure wise to handle those kind of overflow crowds.

Things are a’ changing as they say in Old Lewes, which happens to be the "first town" in the First State in the USA…Delaware.

Who would have thought that this sleepy old town is poised to have another surge in population?

But I guess you have to expect that in a State without Sales Tax and minimum real estate taxes….Sooner or later, folks catch on.

Especially when there are beaches and good fishing all around.

Meanwhile, most of us are all worked up about the Election ahead and wondering whether the dance of the candidates, for the dems at least, will last until March.

I guarantee that more people will be watching the news tonight than ever before and three quarters of them might be viewing from overseas!....

Something to think about as the world gets smaller and smaller.

Les Aaron

The committee for Positive Change

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