Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Republicans getting creepier and creepier….

The next time, I will prepare popcorn and jelly apples because it was the closest thing to a side show. Barnum would have been proud. He got the suckers to line up to listen to some of the worst drivel I’ve ever heard.

Could you have watched the Republican debate last night without feeling that Torquemada was looking over your shoulder to see whether their responses were simpatico with those hard line Republican onlookers. Whatever your feelings, the fact was that most of the candidates with perhaps the exception of McCain and Huckabee looked mean-spirited and fumbling. Huckabee was clearly the winner for his conservative but compassionate views while Romney and Giuliani would have done well as Gestapo chiefs interrogating each other badly. What became clear is that this brand of republicanism wants to know you from the inside out. They not only want to know you they want to control your reproductive rights, decide who you might marry while looking over your personal records and once your fetus matures, send him or her off to war while not worrying a whit about caring for them if they should become incapacitated. This is sad beyond words and keeps one reminded that the typical republican solution for the less fortunate are prisons, the new growth industry. Forget about paying for the child to get an education that would keep him or her from going to jail in the first place.

But those are the contradictions that come to mind when you analyze republican positions over the last eight years or more. They worry about the fetus until it comes to term; than the parent and the child are on their own. This kind of illogic flows through republican veins of ice.
Meanwhile the front runners looked like imbeciles trying to explain their positions on questions ranging from whether they believed the bible to their positions on Iraq. A quick view convinced one that McCain would use government to continue the war in Iraq to keep the boys believing that we are winning. (A whole other issue.) Giuliani would use government to create more Iraqs. Tancredo would use government to bomb Mecca (earlier comments). Romney would use government to eliminate Muslims from office (his comment not mine). Hunter would use government to build longer walls and Paul would eliminate government altogether while Thompson didn’t seem to know what government is all about. Perhaps that is unfair but one could not get over the fact that of all the candidates, Thompson’s words seemed less than memorable although he does come off as balanced as fairer than he’s been portrayed. On the other hand, Huckabee wouldl invite the children of Islam in and send them to college with your tax money, a mixed bag but earned credits for compassion.

Overall, if any of these guys get in, I think it will be time to scatter to the high ground preferably in places far, far away from the bastions of muddled thought.
Otherwise, it was an exercise in fun from the git-go. Fun that could unfortunately ugly for you and me and the rest of mankind if these guys ever get to play on a real stage.

Say your prayers. Better yet, see the rerun on Saturday night and get motivated.

Les Aaron

The Committee for Positive Change

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