Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The light that’s breaking through….

You know, I know that I bitch and moan a lot about the injustices in the world and perhaps travel has exacerbated my views and my cynicism about how we seem to be failing those less fortunate in our own country and then finding a way to seemingly rationalize it.

To me, it’s personally maddening and I think it comes from the corrosive selfishness that’s inherent in the capitalistic system; yet it wouldn’t be fair not to mention the fact that there is a growing cross-current that may change the Enron philosophy into something worth talking about.

Many young people are making commitments and doing wonderful things that are largely ignored or unheralded because they are not simultaneously making tons of money or writing big contracts which seems to be the milestones that we worship.

I must applaud CNN for trying to do something about it with their heroes program which will be held Thursday evening at 9:00 PM which will shed some recognition on who these people are and the kind of work they are doing.

The idea was borrowed from the English who have something similar every year for Brits; this will, instead, be worldwide. I invite you to mark it down on your calendar.

According to the introduction tonight, it is far reaching. It ranges from kids who get people to sign up to be donors of bone marrow to young people who are building electronic power stations on a very small way in out-of-the-way very poor communities of Nicaragua.

On another program this evening, they talked about a scientist who has devoted the second part of his life to ensuring that most children in the world gain access to a pc to involve themselves in the larger world was wildly inspirational.

People of great wealth are now finding their satisfaction through charity and helping others, too. . Bono immediately comes to mind as does Bill Gates who I used to detest as slowing down the growth of the computer business. Bill, but your generosity on behalf of the needy has earned my respect. I applaud what you are doing.

But the needs run deep and without looking too hard there is much work yet to be done. What we have learned from all of this is that you don’t have to be a billionaire to have an impact. That giving means offering your time, having a vision and being satisfied with making a dent to change the lives of people for the better!.....

Watch the Hero’s Show on CNN Thursday at 9:00 PM Eastern.


Les Aaron
The Committee for Positive Growth

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