Sunday, November 11, 2007

Has Eight Years of the Right Blinded Us to the Real World?

What will we say to our grand-kids.

Will we admit that the Right trounced us?
That they accused our Vets of being unpatriotic?
That they have stolen our democracy out from under us?

I think that it's about time that the left spoke out.

For the last eight years, we've been listening to the extravagances of the Extreme Right Wing and we have done nothing to fight back.

We are approaching an election that may even decide whether there is an American future in less than a year.

And we are still hearing sophomoric responses, formulae solutions and more of the same.

Despite all of the hype, nothing has changed; and nothing will change with these play it safe politicians who seem to forget who it is they report to....

What we are missing is creative solutions to the real problems of America that are being glossed over by the candidate's pool from which one will be chosen after the fact to lead America for either good or bad.

This is our time.

We have two months to change the status quo.

To make ourselves felt among the Stepford candidates who promise to deliver more of the same in spades.

We have heard and tolerated most of this crap before....

And I don't know about you, but it sticks in my craw and I don't care who knows it.

I am tired of all of the cliches bandied about. That America needs to fight the war over there to protect us over here.

I am tired of hearing about Homeland Security that has porous borders and billions in the bank.

I am tired of hearing democrats give us excuses for jobs moving overseas....

I am tired about hearing our own democrats supporting

More HIB Green Cards for overseas workers. I am tired of hearing that it is good for us to have foreigners take American's jobs

That, increasingly, our young people have to go to India to find jobs...

I am tired of our government signing into law more treaties with foreign countries where we can export our manufacturing know how

And all of these commonly held deceptions.

That we can't afford to give up fossil fuels even when they cost us ten dollars a gallon which is projected over the next few years...

I am tired of politicians who weave their way around the serious issues like healthcare, who have

No appreciation for global warming

Who say nothing about our constitutional rights

who turn a blind eye to torture
.if our newly appointed Attorney General, approved with the approval of Democrats, can't figure out whether waterboarding is torture, we are all in for a rough ride ahead!

I am concerned about more of the same that condones more corruption, more polarization, more lies...

A government that turns its back on democracy and is hopeful for an eventual Armegeddon.

This is not what my America is all about!....
Right now, only Dennis Kucinich and Al Gore represent the needs of the left.

And if we don't speak up now, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

God save us!

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