Saturday, October 27, 2007

The “I” Word Writ Large

Increasingly, it is looking that in order to advance his radicalized ideas,

Bush will stop at nothing.

The Russian reaction to what Bush is doing is being played down by the media.

But Putin is calling Bush’s actions the worst thing since the Cuban Missile Crisis. He then backed off his claim. But the Russians are freaking out...

What kind of precipitous actions would bring such a response from Russia?.

Well, the fact of the matter is that without consultation, without Congress’ approval, Bush is planning to introduce advanced listening equipment and radar into what was once an Iron Curtain country, Poland. But it doesn’t stop there.

He also wants to put in at the same time a battery of ten nuclear missiles.

This is just like sticking your thumb into an old friend's eye. It is far from a friendly gesture.

Bush claims the only reason he is doing this is to be prepared should Iran develop a nuclear missile capability.

Sure, he’s preparing himself against Iran.

Absolutely nobody is willing to buy that story….

We have twenty seven different ways of dropping a payload on Iran; why bother adding missiles to Poland when it will only inflame the Russians to start another cold war.

To do something like this, you have to be out of your mind….or just looking to start another war—cold or hot.

Russian leaders are already asking what if America decides to transform these warheads into multi-targeted warheads or what if 10 warheads becomes 20 or 100?

WE know that Russia has always been schizophrenic and paranoid about its relations with the west.

Why fan the flames?

Why antagonize them if you don’t have to?

Isn’t that baiting?

The last thing anyone with common sense would want to do is inflame the only country in the world that has more nuclear weapons than we do…. A country where their weapons could be retargeted in minutes.

If this isn’t the most provocative actions America could have taken, I couldn’t imagine what else it could be. If this isn’t the height of craziness, I think we would be hard pressed to find an equal.

I am now thoroughly convinced that our president is mad!...mad beyond redemption.

This only adds fuel to the flames and ratchets up the rhetoric to some point where we will not be able to back off and save face at the same time.

Increasingly, our policy seems to be repeat the build up to Iraq over and over again.

This is one act play and the reviews keep getting worse….It’s beginning to look increasingly like we’re all stuck in his Groundhog Day….

I am appalled and chagrined that this kind of precipitous action is going forward without so much as a peep from the media or Congress.

Why isn’t somewhere common sense prevailing?

Where are the great statesmen; those who advocate for peace and understanding—instead of building a climate for war.?

This president has outlasted his welcome!

It is time for impeachment and now!

Call your representative and demand that they sign Dennis Kucinich’s law seeking impeachment for Cheney and let’s make it retroactive for Bush—a two-fer!

May it be the last time we ever have to resort to this kind of action!....

Les Aaron

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