Monday, August 13, 2007

A Denizen of the Swamp Calls it a Day!

You know what troubles me most?

What kind of signals are we going to send out to our young,

If we don’t persecute those who do what they want arbitrarily to our laws, who operate out of self interest, and curry favor with special interests.

It troubles me to think that Cheney’s assistant got off the hook, that smug little twerp, with a few words from Bush and that a big contributor paid his fine. And then Bush has the audacity to tell us with a straight face, that he paid his dues.

What Bull!

What does that say to the rest of us?. That there are two kinds of law: One that applies to the poor and disadvantaged; and the other, that applies to the rich who have influence.

We all know Valerie Plame was mistreated by the editor from the Times and Novak and we all know that Cheney and the president were behind it.

So, now, with Karl Rove, the mastermind of half this crap that comes out of the White House, retiring, who is ultimately pay the price? We know the answer to that, too, is going to be Joseph Wilson who has already said that this has to be the most corrupt government on Earth!...and his wife, Valerie Plame.

Karl Rove is just going to walk away from this whole thing…the same way Rumsfeld did after he got his medal that supposed to extol him as a wonderful citizen of this country.

Some citizen who sends the young to die for a nonsense war engineered by him and his neo-con buddies that has nothing to do with bin Laden, who is allowed to get off the hook time after time. It already looks as if Bush wants bin Laden to stay alive. Maybe he recognizes that without bin Laden, Bush never would have gotten the support to revamp the laws of the land, snoop on all of his enemies without a court order and serve the special interests that define his administration.

You need a strong stomach to probe into the belly of the beat here!

And that only scratches the surface.

The chances are that the Attorney General will be repaid. Repaid for his loyalty to his master but not for serving the American people or doing the job he was to be appointed to.

And the list goes on, the head of the CIA, who calls it a “slam dunk” gets a medal and keeps his retirement except that he deceived all Americans.

In the end, I suppose that even Abramoff will get off the hook.

As the two Supreme Court justices who voted for ending the 2000 vote even though it was shown that they had a particular interest in the outcome and should have reclused themselves which would have changed the vote…

And none of the democrats will bat an eye.

It’s depressing to any of us who studied government and understand what it’s all about.

I can tell you what it’s done for me: I shall never believe anything that the media tells me; nor will I any longer accept the words of any politician out of Washington.

The whole system needs to be overhauled. And purged. And sanitized.

And we need to introduce a Parliamentary system that allows us to get rid of the beggars with a vote instead of having to go mad tolerating their continued abuses of our laws and our way of life.

Agree or disagree? I’d welcome hearing your point of view.

Les Aaron

The Armchair Curmudgeon

All of my books with the exception of earlier texts, are now being made available on disk.
This includes Final Warning--the Environmental thriller that is happening now, All Fall Down, The Lottery, All the Good Men, The Costume Party, The Brooklyn Bagel Blow-Out, A Failure of Will, The Arrogance of Power (new), the Iman Directive (new) and the non-fiction primer--A Blueprint for Winning: Taking Back the White House....
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