Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Operative Word: “Draft!”

Was I hearing things?.

I had flipped on the news and was scanning through the papers.

And my ears perked up.

Did they say what I thought they said.

I turned to my wife. She shook her head.

Wow! They spoke about it as if were common knowledge…

But it was the first time I heard it mentioned.

Oficially, now the trial balloon had been launched.

Folks, the Draft is on the table….so sayeth the generals…

I heard a Lt. General talk about it last night.

It was mentioned so casually that it almost slipped by.

But a Draft is not something casual.

It moves the war from 98% disengagement to 100% engagement.

Right now, the war is being fought and bled over by less than 2% of the population.

Most citizens are never touched by it; nor do they understand what it means to have a loved one go overseas without knowing whether they will ever return….or if they return,

Whether they will be the same as when they left.

That changes the entire equation.

When that happens, you will see the people demand action.

Once the Draft notices start going out, expect marches, parades, protests and big crowds

At the Reflecting Pool.

Guaranteed! If they reinstitute the draft, the war will be over in twelve months.

And maybe that’s a good thing.

For too long, most folks have looked the other way. They have not gotten involved. They looked the other way; they continued to buy the big gas guzzlers; they continued to use power as if there were no tomorrow.

It’s time Americans learned that when we use power, when we buy gasoline, we are supporting all of the Middle Eastern countries that would like to see us vanquished.

It’s time to connect the dots!

Americans are not going to sit by and watch their young sent overseas to be slaughtered.

Not when the big money is involved.

Guaranteed! The fastest way to the end of this senseless war is the DRAFT!

Les Aaron

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