Thursday, August 02, 2007


Boy, was I naïve.

I grew up believing in all the stuff they handed us in our Civics classes.

I believed that we were free, entitled to privacy and protected by the Constitution.

I believed that our leaders had our best interests at heart.

I believed that America was all about decency, and fair play and equality for all people.

I believed that if you were an American, you could be all that you could be...

I believed in the Fourth Estate would protect us against bad businessmen who were out to steal our jobs or destroy our forests…

Little did I know that it took a million trees to produce just the NYTimes magazine section on one Sunday….

I even went off to serve my government for four years as a service man.

I came home with a disability, but as a loyal patriot, I didn’t bother to claim it.

I believed that the Department of Justice was just.

And the Supreme Court was apolitical in deciding the issues of the land.

And I believed that the president had the country’s best interests at heart.

Of course, my views changed with Richard Milhous Nixon and his dirty trick contingent.

But never was I prepared for this…

Never was I prepared for a presidency where the people’s views and ideas didn’t seem to matter.


A country where the president could run roughshod over the Constitution any time he liked.

I wasn’t prepared for a Vice President who thought that he was the Fourth division of government.

Never before, would I have believed that this government would rise above the law to establish laws of their own that satisfied no legitimate criteria, a government that could not only spy on its people but deny them the benefit of the protections of the law.

It was a whole new revelation.

Never before would I have believed that the Supreme Court was political in its determinations.

Or that the Justice Department did the bidding of the president rather than being respectful of its obligation to the law and the people.

Nor would I believe that the government under the clean air and water regs, actually allow business to further poison the air and water for profits sake.

All of these things have come as shocking revelations to someone who followed the law and government.

Admittedly, I shouldn’t have been so naïve….

But I suppose it wouldn’t have made very much difference since this government felt free to annotate the law if it didn’t like the one’s passed or look the other way when it came to corruption, lobbying, influence peddling, criminality and the rest..

Even our Founding Fathers, as farsighted as they were, would have blanched I’m sure to see how petty and mean-spirited and self serving this government has become.


Of course, our Founding Fathers understood that in the end, it was up to the people to make the difference, and in the light of abuses to say “enough is enough” and to identify when it was time for change….

For a government in the end, owes its allegiances to the people.

And that is one thing that they cannot forget without raising our ire.

What this government needs to remember that once the compact with the people is broken it can never be patched back together....

Les Aaron

The Armchair Curmudgeon

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