Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's Time for the Grand Old Party To Denounce "Dirty Tricks."

One couldn’t help watch the You Tube questions without suspecting that there were a few sucker punches slipped in by the new dirty tricksters of the Republican Party.
They were designed to shake the democrats out of their good natured in fighting and provoke trouble.

It was like a little déjà vu under the Nixon campaign when it was de-rigor to make sure that the opposition’s planes didn’t run on time, that maintenance schedules and speeches got lost, that the networks got the wrong information from the party as to location and times, etc.

Hunter Thompson gave us a few insights into how the game was played and other stuff trickled out later on that we believed was even below the level of what the Republicans might consider “appropriate measures.”

Nevertheless, it worked. Donald Segretti became a model for Lee Atwater who became a model for all of the rest of the dirty tricksters to follow.

Who will ever forget Dukakis looking like Alfred E. Newman with his head sticking out of the turret of the tank. And his failure to mount an effective come-back after being belittled and insulted by the party of opposition.

And anyone who thought those tactics had been finally put to sleep could not have been paying attention in recent elections when John McCain was targeted by the Dirty Tricksters and rumored to have fathered an illegitimate black child or the “swift boating” attacks against John Kerry….

We make a big mistake when we claim the high ground and vow not to attack the mischief makers who score big with their unsubstantiated charges and vicious attacks that seem to ignore the rules of fair play and justice in order to go for the quick kill or the jab that goes for the juglar that seems to do more damage than an honest debate.

It is time that party leaders demand more from their acolytes and hirelings that dirty tricks and its time that the party stands up for what is right and fair and go on record denouncing their deplorable history of underground vicious attacks that have no basis in truth….

Les Aaron

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