Thursday, July 26, 2007


The Day The Justice Department Lost the American People.

Must of us have grown up with an abiding faith in the institutions that define America.

In the past seven years, many of us have lost faith in the Cabinet, the Pentagon, the Department of the Army, the Supreme Court, the president, the Vice president and the Media for lies, corruption and violations of the Constitution.

The Justice Department we thought sacrosanct but we were to learn otherwise throughout months of false and disturbing testimony.
In that time, the Justice Department has shown how in mocking justice, it has nothing but contempt for our institutions and the American people.

If Gonzalez had a brain at all, it is so well hidden by his disastrous attempt to curry favor and cover up that it seems non-existent or muddled at best….

One must ask how this caricature who cannot remember his name expects to survive with any dignity or pride from months of interrogation where it was clear from his answers that he has no understanding of his job or what happened on his beat.

For the head of a department to admit as much is reason for immediate departure; for the president to hang on to such an inept and corrupt personage is more than most fair-minded people are willing to tolerate.

And it devolves upon us to decide whether he is the biggest liar on two feet or the dumbest man in creation.

Of course, the president pats him on the back while failing to acknowledge that he has the worst Attorney General in history, one who is not even fit to polish the shoes of his antecedents.

Watching this sickening display played out disheartens me as it must the rest of the world who once respected our great country. Moreover, it must reinforce those adventurers who think that they can benefit from a country so badly organized, so dishonest and so inept it cannot long survive.

And while that may still be true it seems that if nothing else, justice is beginning to catch up with Justice.

Contempt citations have been issued against Harriet Meirs and her colleague for following the president’s admonition against testifying which, in and of itself, seems like an impeachable offense considering Executive Privilege is reserved for matters of security only….and violating Congressional subpoenas is against the law.

Once again, Gonzalez was given the benefit of the doubt and asked to shed some light on his nighttime visit to the former Attorney General to obtain permission to continue their eavesdropping on citizens without the approval of the Courts despite the fact that the Attorney General had surrendered his authority during his illness and while under sedation.

This time, Gonzalez tried to argue that gaining authority from the Attorney General was not their primary intent. However, records have been located that give the lie to the Attorney General’s most recent testimony that, yes, indeed, the reason was strictly to obtain further permissions for continued violations of the Constitution for violating the rights deemed inviolable by the same document.

Even Jay Rockefeller of the ‘gang of eight’ who attended that meeting thought Gonzalez statement perjured him….

Now, the ball is in the Attorney General’s court to say ‘yeah’ or ‘nay’ to his own statements and if the testimony given is sustained by the Attorney General, it may be the will of Congress to seek the truth through the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.

Slowly but inexorably, the wheels of justice move forward….

And the rest of us stand on the sidelines adding our presence to the growing case for Impeachment against a president and a vice president who would allow not only the politicizing of one of our most cherished institutions but the continuation of a pattern of lies and obfuscation on all matters pertinent to White House interests where a cover up is sufficient grounds for Impeachment proceedings to go forward….

If nothing else, honest and hard working republicans must be asking themselves why they continue to support a party of lies, misstatements and contempt for the Constitution.

Les Aaron

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