Wednesday, July 11, 2007


It’s comforting to know that after spending hundreds of billions of dollars on Homeland Security, what we’ve got for our investment is Director Jerkoff’s gut instincts to project the state of security for the nation….

It is patently laughable when we have technology that can smell or see an enemy hundreds, even thousands of miles away, weapons system that float above the clouds peering down identifying suspect license plates, highly secret programs that scan your messages in the blink of an eye, the ability to disable every electrical system in the country in one frightening milisecond and pinpoint accuracy weapons that can wipe out a terrorist faction with literally the flip of a key—yet our most advanced anti-terrorist agency relies on “ gut instincts.”

Not that we have anything against instincts, but suggest perhaps that the Director should start watching the Military Channel to get an idea of what’s out there in terms of cutting edge technology.

We don’t want to rub it in that fertilizer brought down our first buildings and in the attacks of 9/11, the enemy was armed with box-cutters, almost a medieval weapon considering what’s in our storehouse today….

But perhaps the blame isn’t only Chertoff’s. Consider the great minds that saw the solution to America’s failure to grasp the warnings as a compelling directive for change.

What was the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation? To put a bureaucracy atop all of the other bureaucracy’s and hope for efficiency instead of a house of cards that might come tumbling down any time. And now, we learn, we forget to staff the SupraAgency of all time…...

I’m sure the enemy had a good laugh over that as that sat in their deep caves in Bora Bora planning the next threat to America’s technology lead…

It seems, in turn, that our specialty in this time of need is spirituality and fantasy. We won’t name names, but some of our leadership actually believes that if we wish hard enough, it will come true. And the heck with experiential .data that doesn’t agree with our belief system….

But what’s most amazing is that with all of our learned people, PhD’s and scholars, we don’t question actions that make little or no sense.

Too bad bin Laden doesn’t adopt that tactic, too.

But the sad truth is that he’s mired in the real world and from his primitive cave beats the most advanced technology based country in the world in of all things, planning—all from one of the most remotest places on earth.

Too bad we don’t have anyone on board who can beat him….

And so much for the dumb Arab scenario.

Meanwhile, we run up colored flags, we talk about levels of threat and take apart seventy year old nun's clothing at our airports. More and mor our most profound leadership reminds us of the man who delivered the speech about Iraq buying Yellowcake in Africa! And in case the vulnerable public wasn’t threatened enough, the vice president reminds us that if we don’t get them over there, they are going to get us back here.

This is page one of Tyranny 101. Keep the public scared, incapable of thinking clearly.

But the reality is that the illusion is a lot different than the reality. With all of our super-technology, we can’t even put up a wall to protect our borders.

Makes us look pretty bad especially considering how fast Rommel put up the Atlantic Wall when he saw a very different America coming. And that was without computers, super weapons, and the array of tools that eliminate people.

On the other hand, we are told that we’ve done a great job on the first eleven miles.

And at the rate we’re going, we will probably have another 100 million illegals in this country before we actually do something and America will be so broke, we’ll have to head south across the Rio Grande looking for work….

Bush’s trust me scenario however is wearing thin—even among his own acolytes.

And I believe support of Bush’s position has been the kiss of death for John McCain.

The other candidates should watch McCain going down in flames very closely; there’s a lesson in that.

Meanwhile, Homeland Security is missing all of its scientists and brains.

It seems that Bush is so dead set against science that he’d prefer to leave those top jobs unfilled.

Of course, those would have been the people who would have figured out how to get the CIA and FBI to share their secrets but, moreover, how to actually use all the money we’ve handed them to figure out a way to end the prospect of terrorism here at home.

Maybe it’s just too much to ask from Bozo who’s content to play the lead in some B Western strutting down the streets in Laredo prepared to take on the guys with moustaches.

Too bad to awaken him from his illusion but this is a new century with new technology and a whole new listing of bad guys who want to bury us.

And we’ve helped them to focus their anger and hostility.

And all most of us can think to ourselves is: Two more years! And can we make it?

Can we endure another two years of wash board abs, alphabetic solutions to restless leg syndrome and George Bush speeches that should be labeled sci-fi and delivered by Mr. Spock…

Meanwhile the country falls apart and we march up the cliffs like the lemmings unable to change our fate.


Wonder what Jefferson or Washington would say. Or Hamilton or Adams.

Better they don’t know…..and will never know….

Les Aaron

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