Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First Editions Still Available

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Dear Democrat, It’s time to come together!...

This is the text from our hand-out on A Blueprint for Winning.

We have a few signed first editions available. Contact me or LAACO at for more information. I apologize if you already ordered or read the book.

For those friends, please recommend it to your friends.

If you have not ordered it or read it, I think you will be in for a treat.

It represents tons of research and five years of hard work and experience gained working for the elections of McGovern, Jerry Brown, Mo Udahl, Howard Dean, Al Gore, John Kerry and others and knowing many people inside and outside of government…

Best wishes,

Les Aaron

What the republicans don’t want you to read…

A Blueprint for Winning: Taking Back the White House: Why hasn’t anyone thought of writing a book this way before. This is a tell-all, take no prisoners approach to WINNING…

In the text, we have called a spade a spade, listed our demands, attacked the Right Wing for their excesses/their violations of the Constitution, and their trampling all over the law; we’ve upbraided them for their disregard of the people; attacked them for their inability to govern; condemned them for ignoring “Clean Air/Clean Water” regs; charged them for going to war without reason; and pilloried them for the needless death of our best and brightest and revealed them for what they are, egomaniacal bottom-feeders motivated by self interest and greed.

If this sounds like warfare, make no mistake about it, it is. And the enemy is not some ignorant peasant in flowing robes, it is the arrogant clique who thinks we are all stupid and misinformed, a government that has sidestepped the law and violated its oath to the American people.

Make no mistake about it, in writing this book we are not playing according to Hoyle any more than the opposition does. It’s about time Democrats grew up!... This book, in fact, subscribes to the view that the opposition is treated to as much fairness as the republicans accorded to Bill Clinton; or Donald Segretti and his worshippers—Lee Atwater, Ron Delay, and Newt Gingrich accorded to the democratic line up whom they slandered, lied about, misquoted, denigrated and otherwise attacked from 1980 until today.

We must recognize that the mid-terms were an aberration. The Independents and Republicans will not give us the benefit of the doubt again. If we want to win, we are going to have to work our backsides off!...Period. And the Republicans have no intention of giving up power without a battle. IT’S TIME TO GET REAL! We are not going to win because we have nice smiles, solid “abs,” or take Viagra—we are going to win because we had a plan, we learned to use the tools, and we put together a winning effort. That is the lesson of A Blueprint for Winning. It gives you the tools, the fundamentals of the plan and even reviews the platform issue by issue. It’s a no-brainer. Somebody with no experience could read this book and win an election.

Part of what we must do is educate the voter as to what the Republicans have done to dismantle our democracy, steal our jobs, ruin our environment, poison our air and our water, decimate the Unions and alienate the entire world. We have gone from a nation with a surplus to a nation that is identical to a Colony. We export agricultural products and import manufactured goods at huge monthly losses. A Superpower? Not by a long shot thanks to the people who sit in power and make policy. And that has to change.

Beginning now.

Today,. More than sixty percent of the nations wealth is concentrated in the hands of fewer than five percent of the population; there is something terribly wrong about that. The executives in today’s plants make more than 400 times what the worker on the floor does!...That’s an outrage! And not duplicated elsewhere in the Western world. The top five percent earn more than the bottom 40% after taxes!...43 million people do not have health care; more than 37 million people live at or below the poverty level. What we have is a Let Them Eat Cake Monarch, not a democracy that looks out for the people!

And that, too, has to change…

A Blueprint for Winning tells it like it is. It proceeds to not only give us the tools and the knowledge, it goes further. It lays out an imaginative and progressive agenda to rebuild America and makes us great again. The Twenty Point Program is our ace in the hole and differentiates us from the unimaginative forces that are leading us into a black hole as they pursue their vision of a New World Order that is for everyone except the people.

If you can read A Blueprint for Winning and not get motivated, we suggest that you contact your physician immediately.

In Democracy,

Les Aaron

Former Editor, Democracy Chronicle

Gore Activist

The Committee for Positive Change

A percentage of proceeds will go to the CPC for progressive causes and the support of local and national candidates

To order, send check or money order for 24.95 plus 5.50 S&H to LAACO, c/o les aaron, 239 lakeside drive, lewes de 19958; if you have problems, email hubmaster@aol


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