Anatomy of a Superpower...
What Goes On in DC, Stays in DC
You would think that any red blooded American citizen would be foaming at the mouth about now, or shouting something from the top of his lungs about not taking it anymore or simply apoplectic. But guess what? None of that is the prevalent reality.
It seems that like Las Vegas, whatever happens in DC stays in DC. Does this mean that nobody cares? Who would care once you’ve been exposed to the reality. It gets pretty gloomy quickly when you realize that the business assistants write the bills that their bosses don’t read; then they get voted on with approbation while nobody knows what they approved. Eventually, some violation of the bill works its way into Court for the ultra conservatively justices to probe and pick at until they come to a conclusion which usually has something to do with Roe vs. Wade, stem cell research or some other personal decision. It is all really too confusing and depressing. If you looked at what went on, you would really believe that government has something to do with what we believe, the values we embrace and whether we feel like even having children.
The fact of the matter is that Washington has lost face; not to mention credibility..
All people know is that we have a war going on that is killing American boys and girls and nobody can seem to come up with an answer that works or is even very logical and, if they did, the president would consider them ‘commies’ and veto it.
They also know that there is some lackey called Alberto Gonzales who can’t remember what he had for breakfast and should be on meds rolling around in some retirement home and not endangering poor, honest citizens.
Occasionally, too, they read about the vice president surfacing only long enough to shoot someone in the face and then smile sweetly saying things are going great in Iraq.
All the rest seem to exist to justify what they are doing by stonewalling or blaming democrats, which is easy to do since the democrats can never seem to get their acts together. Tony Snow, the chief spokesperson who has cancer incidentally, looks askance at those environmentalists who thinks that if this government cleaned up the air and water, maybe he never would have gotten the big “c” in the first place. But no way, Jose, this is not a government that is very good at connecting dots.
All in all, it’s a pretty bad overview of what is considered government—a place where the president is a Monarch and delights in sending America’s jobs to third world nations, and, in exchange, importing cumquats for national secrets.
We say in news conferences that our biggest potential enemy is our great friend while they quietly build big rockets that could destroy us with the technology they have stolen from us. Should we tell anyone they’ve already won since we don’t bother to make anything anymore and have morphed into a Colony status, considering that we export our scrap and import manufactured goods and hold a sweeping trade deficit of something like 65 billion dollars a month—and still don’t seem to get it.
In the meantime, our president holds hands with an Arab prince because that Arab prince has lots of money which came from our middle class which he uses to underwrite terrorism which is used against us. This forces us to upgrade our military budgets in order to add more bombs and ammo to our already staggering inventories to keep the Right Wing military and industrial establishment happy.
It would all seem to come out okay if it were not for the fact that this staggering burden tends to fall on the back of the middle class who has been denigrated to minimum wage jobs that sacrifice its very health and longevity in the face of all kind of disasters, natural and otherwise, that seem to have evolved from our neglect of everything that doesn’t turn an immediate profit for a friend of government. You figure it out!
No wonder I can’t stand government.
Les Aaron
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