Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Victory for Democracy

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We Beat Out The Coal Lobby!....

We've done it. We've turned around the Ole Boys Network that has been advocating more and more coal as a solution to the Energy problem in our coastal state.

Who says a handful of people can't do something?

We started with just a few of us. We used what we knew to get the word out. And that "word" helped to build t coalitions of the concerned all over the state.

We worked with local professors. And we encouraged some of our College experts on wind energy to stand tall. We set up conferences and presentations beginning with our small part of the State and then joining in with others who became supporters. We wrote letters, put together editorials, talked it up, got the local conservative papers to pay attention and created so much noise for our size, that eventually the candidates for governor and the existing governor started to sit up and pay attention.

The original votes which were said to replicate the past--the coal lobby is big in our state--were postponed and a lot of new hearings and testimony took place. And the people's interest increased in proportion to the exposure we got.

The verdict is in: The small guys won.

We are going to have our offshore wind energy.

We are going to build windmills using as a model the system operating now in Denmark. This will be the FIRST Offshore Wind Energy facility in AMerica and, hopefully, a model for all future wind energy projects--which we see as the future of alternative energy in the United States...

These are not the old-fashioned conventional windmills, these are giant aesthetically designed structures that are as tall as the Statue of Liberty and they only depend on one thing, an ample supply of wind which our area is known for...

When the complete project is completed, we should be able to generate all of the electrical energy needed by the state with reserves that could be sold to lower users prices within the state.

It is a time to celebrate.

But even more, there is a lesson here for all of us.

Even if we don't have the numbers, the money or the political influence, we can get people to pay attention to our message if we work hard enough at it. I am convinced that we can do anything if we put our minds to it.

I hope this enthuses you all for whatever causes you are engaged in.

The mountain has come to Mohammed or something like that..

Best wishes to you all while I go out to celebrate!

Glenfiddich, here I come...



les aaron


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