Monday, May 21, 2007

Gingrich, Master of Self Deception

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Gingrich, Genius in his own mind.

It’s nice to hear advice on values from Gingrich, lest we forget that he is the man who divorced his wife as she lay in a hospital bed trying to deal with the realities of cancer. It’s nice to hear about morals from the Speaker of the House who used his power to get an advance to push his own book and get a big advance in exchange for selling out the FCC for the almighty buck. It is nice to hear about integrity from the man who enhanced the ideas of Nixon’s “dirty trickster,” Donald Segretti…
Do we need to hear any more about religion, morality and integrity from the man who would and has sold his soul to the Devil?

And to think this is the kind of man the conservative interests of our country would like to follow?

Doesn’t that tell you more than you need to know?

It is as if the vast body of voters who claim to think of themselves as having integrity, and morality in sufficient quantity so that they may judge us lacking, cannot even differentiate for themselves who is an honest man and who is not.

It is as if they are like the three monkees who see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil are incapable of even understanding what evil is even when they are confronted with it.

I could see why God might want to go back to the drawing board if this is the best that came out of the the last batch claiming God’s perfection. Maybe, all of these natural phenomena are about warning us that God is ready to try again. And that wouldn’t be too hard to sort out. Kind of a divine payback for all the nasties who populate this world..
No wonder, in good sense, our founding fathers did not want religion and government to overlap.
It is a prescription for doom.

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon


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