Getting Rich!
The Armchair Curmudgeon
March 17, 2007
The Secrets of Becoming Rich
I am going to tell you how you can get rich.
And you’re not going to believe how easy it is.
In the scheme I have laid out, you don’t have to build a manufacturing base, invent a new product and go into competition, or shake the trees. And, best of all, there is a natural demand for it that can only grow guaranteeing your success.
Moreover, you do not have to make anything, add any expensive ingredients or need any highly specialized expertise and everything you need is free.
All you have to do is move the product from one place to another.
Sound good so far?
Well, that’s the story of many water companies.
They make fortunes on God-given resources.
They tap into a free resource. They pump it, meter it and distribute it to you.
And for the privilege, they can bill the customer outlandish rates…
Water distribution is also a permit to kill without feeling any sense of responsibility.
Here’s why:
You see, many other companies and many farmers have also recognized the value of this free resource for conveying effluents and dangerous by-products. They don’t worry about what happens after they pump these toxic by-products out of their plants, or off their farms. Whatever happens to these poisons, well, it’s an act of God that’s beyond their ability to control. At least, that’s how many rationalize it…
Unfortunately, quite often, these by-products have a way of working themselves into aquifer contaminating what was clean and wholesome drinking water in the process….
Fo example, in an analysis of our own drinking water, we discovered something like twenty something unnatural by-products that had no business being there like cyanide, arsenic, lead, and mercury which attacks the brain and impacts living embryos. Many of these ingredients are listed as causes for birth defects to long term illnesses according to the Sierra Club’s findings…
So, we as uncomplaining good citizens pay for water that is pre-contaminated and likely to either cause ill health or our untimely demise…
It’s really quite a set up when you think about it. Unless you are bothered by things like moral consequences of your actions. But if that doesn’t bother you, it’s an easy way to be a morally bankrupt magnate until some abstract Day of Reckoning… and until then, you have plenty of time to think up a good excuse.
Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon
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