Mr. Barr Needs a Reality Check!...
But Mr. Barr is also locked into a past where America is a democracy...
Contrary to the opinion of Mr. Barr, who is evidently speaking of the past, and needs a reality check if he believes in the pure virtues of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the other things that America is known for, it's time to say wake up, Mr. Barr, these things have been dispensed with in the monarchy of the right, where our Emperor chooses to make unilateralist decisions without bothering to check with anyone else and writes special provisions into the law that infers the absolute power that corrups absolutely.
Haven't you been attention, Mr. Barr?
. Don't you know that we have replaced these things with "snooping" and end to habeas corpus, posse Comitatus, an invasion of our privacy, torture, tapping into our personal phone lines and email, ad infinitum. We have morphed silently, Mr. Barr, in case you hadn't noticed into an oppressive tyranny that doesn't mind showing its power around the world.
I don't remember the last time we had a king as president; but in the absence of our own checks and balances, which to any clear-eyed individual have been missing the last six years, I think it is good to have an even higher authority than America to reflect on what is right and wrong in the world absent our good sense. In the interests of all mankind, we need various bodies that can decide issues of justice, fairness and the law as it applies to all who value freedom and democracy; not only an Executive Branch that has lost its grip on what constitutes an oath of office.
... The belief that might makes right is a tired thesis that has little to do with Democracy but, yet, we have not learned those or other fundamental lesson that would make us better citizens of the earth. If we have no provision for discussing the shortfalls of our own government, isn't it only right and just that others can issue statements about whether our programs of torture should be condemned by the world; Shouldn't we have a higher authority like the Kyoto Accords to decide what to do about mankind's abuses of the environment and NATO to settle issues that don't involve gaining more oil?
Of course, and to think otherwise, means that we have not only ignored the world's needs but exclaimed beyond our own borders that nothing supersedes our Executive, who has direct authority over our fearless armadas that roam the seas to show how dominant we are.
Even theodore Roosevelt did not demonstrate such hubris....
Sorry, Mr. Barr, you need to have your views reflect the current world situation. We are no longer all the things that you glorify.
And, we, too, are patriots who miss them and seek their return...
Les Aaron
The committee for positive change
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