Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Window Dressing"

This Memorial Day seems like most others.

Special events are planned.

There will be the requisite speeches. The flags will be unfurled.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars will salute. The Honor Guard will march.
And we will all eat hot dogs and burgers.

And we will have thought that we paid our homage to our young boys and girls, the ones who are making their awesome sacrifices.

Nowhere will you see the reports that detail the truth: That more than 300,000 returning and returned Veterans have PTSD and need major treatment.

That 20% of all returning Veterans may have brain case injuries of one kind or another; that the majority of these returning Veterans may not be allocated sufficient help or level of disability that will allow them to fend for themselves in a post Iraq/Afghanistan world.

The facts are much uglier than we have been led to believe.

Most of the Veterans are not allowed to visit doctors of their choosing, forcing them to attend VA centers and hospitals some far from home. Or that it make take a year to eighteen months to get a first appointment; or to have your physician to effectuate the treatments you need.

To boot, the government support in Congress has turned a blind eye to the need for a new GI Bill that will actually help those returning GI’s return to a productive life.

Or the fact that the president has promised to veto the increment in salary parity of a mere 7 tenths of 1% because it is not called for; but thinks it is okay to ask for 180 billion dollars to continue the War as it is….with no benefit for our troops!

All in all, a grotesque displays that gives the lie to the government’s mock tribute it pays to those few, those brave few, (fewer than 1% of the population) who bear the brunt of this illegal and uncalled for War that now has lasted longer than the entire World War II.

Where are our elder statesmen?

Where are the critics?

Where are the decent men and women who will put this sad period of our history to rest and give our heroes their due?

This is the story that must be told this Memorial Day.

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon

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