Thursday, March 13, 2008

Words and Actions That Don't Match Up

Increasingly, many of us are wondering when it comes to charge and counter-charge, where is bottom...

At every turn, the candidate talks about keeping the dialogue focused on the issues, but every chance Hillary & Company gets, they attempt to sow doubt about Obama and his credibility.

Jerry’s outburst the other day was a case in point. It was unnecessary and outrageously untrue and set the tone of the debate at a new low!

Obama did not insult her or ridicule the fact that she was a woman.

And to try to turn around her words to make them sound like a compliment was more than a little over the top.

This campaign has got to get back to fundamentals.

You can not cry “foul” and then cast your own stones.

It is the cheapest of cheap shots that casts doubt on Clinton’s authenticity and ethics which seem to evanesce when there is an opportunity for advancement at the opposition’s expense.

It is the kind of thing that turns many people off to politics.

And fills the play books of the other side.

I don’t have any trouble sticking to the issues and I think Obama should be made to explain his positions and what he’s done; but if the rules apply to Obama, they should also have to apply to Hillary who seems to have skirted, obfuscated, and avoided serious talk about what she’s done and what she’s stood up for. It’s those sleazy attempts to explain away her positions that bothers me….

Nor have not seen any evidence through out her career that she is a fighter on the issues.

If she really believes what she says, why hasn’t she stood firm against the War.

If she believes in job creation, why has she gone along with our trade policies; why has she argued for stepping up the availability of green cards that will simply drain off American jobs to foreigners? If she believes in the economy, why has she not intervened in NAFTA policies?

If she trusted Bush to do the right thing….twice, isn’t she rather naïve or guilty of bad judgment and Obama is right?

I’m having trouble with these issues.

And in terms of all the experience she is banding about and taking credit for, I would have to argue that being the wife of the president does not count as being the decision maker who has to argue for their position and win.

I find, however, that instead of clarifying their positions on the issues, the Clinton camp is only adding to the murkiness…..

And we’ve had more than enough obfuscation over the last eight years to tolerate four more years of saying one thing and doing another.

And at this point, that’s what I’m seeing.

Les Aaron

It’s hard to vouchsafe democracy from a supine position.

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