Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We’ll I put on my raincoat and carefully adjusted my splatter guard.

I pulled the top down on my all weather cap and then flipped on the TV.

I was ready to have the kitchen dumped on me. Well, if not me, certainly Obama.

Hillary was out for blood, at least according to her earlier outcries and I thought it was going to be the next best thing to Chiller Theatre.

Hillary started out defensive, shrill and sarcastic.

But it didn’t work so she backed away very quickly.

Some people can pull that stuff off; but Hillary can’t and she figured that out in time to save her campaign.

Mostly, the final forum turned out to be a rehash of Hillary’s and Obama’s programs with a mind-deadening twenty two minutes spent on the differences in their health care programs.

But, overall, it was a disappointment.

Especially if you are the blood and gore type.

Nobody even got wet.

There were no decisive winning blows; no fusillade of ideas that changed minds and voting predilections!

And by the end, it was beginning to feel like I was hanging around the general store then engaging in a blow by blow finale of a fight to the finish.

People were exchanging kind words and by the end, Hillary sounded all sweetness and light again and Obama was kindly and affectionate.

Wow! It was a transformation from the surprise dinner for a Soprano victim to old hearth in 90 minutes and, you know, it felt good.

Hillary reinforced all of her strong points. We heard again that she was ready to take over from Day One….but Obama reinforced the point that his judgment was better despite his lack of experience. The difference was undeniable.

All told, my heart climbed back in my chest and I thought that both parties had conducted themselves with decency and aplomb.

Clearly, it’s okay to have differences and it would be left for the voters to decide who plotted a decent course knowing that Hillary had the mastery of content, and Obama had the mojo!

All’s well that ends well. At least, one suspects, that will be Obama’s refrain.

Les Aaron

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