Friday, January 11, 2008

America's End; or Time to Pack Our Bags...
Survivalists uber alles!

Your editorial about the End of an America that has become slothful and corrupt, may not be that far off the mark, Glenda.

Democracy is a concept that we don’t know too much about over time; except that Athens became smug and arrogant and thought it could rule the world, bankrupting itself in the process. Plus, the Pythagoreans came into the picture virtually wiping out the scientific approach in the blinking of an eye.

We are seeing our science under attack from the spiritualists who argue with everything of reason that threatens their hegemony. Is that a sign?

Or will it come from Nature?.

We all know that the Sun, itself, will burn out give or take another billion years.

And that science has shown that we have ice ages every 10,000 years or so.

If that doesn’t happen, Global Warming may actually raise the oceans levels much more than originally predicted. If the Greenland ice sheet melts—which contains a body of water large as the Gulf of Mexico, and the Western part of Antarctica, the size of Texas, breaks off, and through typical glacial melting, we could see a rise in ocean levels in this century of eighteen feet!...

Eighteen feet! That’s enough to change the entire coastline as we know it, change the conformation of the Great Lakes, the Missippi and all other great bodies of water; not to mention the fact that if you want to visit Hawaii or the Pacific Islands, you’d better go now while they’re still there….

Nobody of course wants to be alarmist so we are pooh-poohing this results, but they are very real and supported by some of the world’s leading climatologists including the head of NASA’s research team….

Then there’s the routine of volcanic activity that is unpredictable. They say that the area around Yellowstone if it goes could send up enough particular matter to kill virtually every living being and blacken the skies for years. Sort of works against the idea of long term planning and mortgages….

In the Permian Age, volcanism combined with an asteroid striking earth—the size of Central Park—wiped out about 95% of all life—and made it possible for little mammals to survive as they did in the Triasic . The existence of the Iridium layer proved that an Asteroid hit and later research discovered a deep trench off the Yucatan that filled the bill of “smoking gun.”

So, the theory goes that life on earth, in human form was a fluke, and the product of Asteroid activity in the first place so perhaps it’s not so crazy that life will be extinguished by the forces that gave it life.

Not too far out, if you buy into science.

So what does it all mean?

Need we point out. Darwin was right whatever you might think: Our end is survival. Survival of our species.

It means that the sci-fi writers had it right: Build a fleet of ships that can take us on the ride of our lives….

Into a universe filled with unknowns…

Mankind has a strong will to survive!

Something to think about when you want to ponder the big issues…

Les Aaron

The Committee for Positive Growth…

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