Monday, January 07, 2008

Why Obama's Caught On Fire

Is Obama’s Rise Due to Hillary’s Fall.
Not according to this theory.

Watching this phenomenon called Obama causes one to wonder why aside from his personal skills is he doing so well in New Hampshire?

No question, he’s talented.

Yes, he’s inspirational.

And, yes, he has the feel of a new great communicator, but for such an outpouring of feeling, one suspects that there has to be more to it than that.

My guess is Bush has produced this outpouring.

Why do I say that?

My sense is that people are so frustrated with the last seven years, so eager for change, that they can’t even contemplate another four years of the Bush team or their successors.

They want change so badly, they can taste it.

I suspect if Bush had even been an ordinary president, that people wouldn’t harbor such strong and persistent feelings for change.

But as we’ve seen, Bush has so enraged so many, has proved so bull-headed, so insistent on his positions, so unwilling to work with Congress, so intent on moving us to war, that the majority of people from both parties feel that we are stale-mated..

They have seen the threat to their homes….

The loss of jobs…

The uncalled for wars that have resulted in nearly 4,000 dead and nearly 40,000 wounded and they are saying in the only way they know how, enough is enough.

Many of the Independents who are swinging to Obama in record numbers are disenfranchised Republicans who never want to see another Bush or Cheney again…

They are furious at this presidential cabal that has produced 100 dollar a barrel oil and home disasters, record spending and our indebtedness to Saudi Arabia and China.

That for many change means putting all of these bad memories behind them.

In their passion, they believe that Obama can win and Hillary can’t.

That is the feeling one gets after tracking these elections since the late sixties… and watching and reading everything that’s come out of the media, the candidates and the pundits…

I have never seen such an emotional outpouring from the people in the early days of the election, especially in Iowa or New Hampshire.

As Chris Matthews said, “the Wind out of Iowa may not have ended in Iowa.”

Judging from the early polls, Obama is edging Hillary by 10%.

That says something!

Hillary may have little to do with the head of steam building for Obama; it just may be the backlash of seven years that nobody ever wants to repeat again! And it’s just unfortunate that she may not be able to do a thing about it.

It’s still early in the game but games can change overnight.

And that’s how things look the night before primary day in New Hampshire.

Les Aaron\
The Committee for Positive Growth

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