Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Price You Pay For Playing the Game

“When you play the game, you takes your chances…”

I got this sage bit of advice when I was too young to appreciate it.

But it holds true today as it did in my early years.

And it applies to candidates as well as others involved in some kind of stretch.

Nobody probably knows this better than Hillary.

In an effort to look presidential, she gambled on the hawk side.

And now she must be prepared to pay the price for following Bush by voting for his nonbinding resolution that might lead us to the Third World War.

That’s the breaks!

If you want to run with the boys, you takes your chances….

Fortunately for the other candidates, none of them were strident about the hard line on defense. None followed Bush down the primrose path for the sucker punch.

And while today, Bush intransigent nature and his willingness to lie to further his agenda has reached the point of no return. The bottom line is that nobody’s buying it.

What will be the “fall-out!”

One suspects that after living in fear for the last six months or so, most of us will say “enough is enough,” we are tired of the lies so that you can make war….so that the industrial military complex can boost its stock, so that the oil companies can lay claim to more in the ground reserves.

No! The average guy on the street does not want to take it any longer.

And they are mad.

Good bye opportunities for Republican candidates. They, too, have blown their wad by sticking with Bush through thick and thin. And I can’t muster much pity for a Giuliani who has discovered in War what he perceived to be “deux ex machine!” Surprise. Surprise. And maybe we’ll shake out Tom Tancredo, the lunatic who is ready to bomb Mecca and Medina. And maybe Mitt will get dizzy from spinning so many stories…
The only one I truly feel sorry for is McCain who simply doesn’t get it any more….

But the “fall out” will not miss Hillary in this instance.

But she knew she was playing a high risk game going in.

On the other hand, she may have earned enough credibility where her hawkishness may not count for a hill of beans among the mainliners. It does count among the liberals and the left.

The last act is yet to be played out.

And all we know is that Bush is now lying mortally wounded; he just doesn’t know enough to fall down.

Les Aaron

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