Friday, August 03, 2007

"All Fall Down..."

by les aaron friedlieb
A today adventure pitting the power of money, technology and jihad against the west to bury all the people of New York City. The weapons are real; the intent is there. Will we be able to stop these committed antiterrorists in time?
(424 pages) Paperback: $19.75 Download: $6.74
All the Good Men

by les aaron friedlieb
This is an adventure story depicting what happens when a secret government runs amok without sufficient oversight. Six scientists are found to be missing from a new government program. The program meshes cutting edge technology into the mix in an effort to advance virtual reality for suspected military purposes. The protagonist discovers that our latest technology is being used for purposes other than they were intended to suit the needs of militarists in government who see the enemy behind every corner.
(367 pages) Paperback: $18.87 Download: $8.75
Big Alfie and Brooklyn Bagel Blow-Out!

by les aaron friedlieb
Big Alfie and the Brooklyn Bagel Blow-out is a tongue and cheek adventure into 50's and 60's Brooklyn of the mafia, the brownstones, the good restaurants. It begins with the death of Big Alfie, a player in everything that goes down in Brooklyn. It also turns out that the bagels are becoming the new pizza racket and everyone is vying for a piece of the action including Alfie and the Puerto Ricans who are looking to establish themselves in unfriendly territory. To find the answers, onto the scene wanders Freddy Black, the former adman and cultural icon, who has now morphed into a private detective who was raised on film noire. In his mind, he thinks of himself as Sam Spade or Boston Blackie in a real world of hard hits and people who will profit on your bones. It is a good yarn that delves into nostalgia and all the things that most old Brooklynites yearn to hear again as Freddy goes on record to solve a crime that seems to unravel before his eyes...
(279 pages) Paperback: $15.99 Download: $5.88
The Costume Party

by les aaron friedlieb
The Costume Party:THE COSTUME PARTY: Mark Damon, an officer of AMFORCE gets a message from a friend who he hasn’t seen in years. Then he learns that his friend is dead. Thus begins a probing chess game with the Russian mob in Brighton and tentacles that reach around the world. The Russian mob has taken on a new crime and that crime involves dozens of countries around the world and the possible destruction of our own way of life if they are successful. It is Mark’s job to stop them!—a task that sounds a lot easier than it is. Realizing that Mark has the power to interfere with their grand design, they seize his girlfriend and warn him that if he trys to stop them, they will end her life and the clock is ticking down. The choice comes down to saving her life or allowing the City and the country spiral down in a way that they might not make it back.
(248 pages) Paperback: $18.55 Download: $9.06
A Failure of Will

by les aaron friedlieb
A fast-paced high tech adventure story that travels across the globe building up intensity as it goes. A murder in Hong Kong, a theft in Korea, a secret meeting in Japan that catapults around the world with implications that can change the course of the world in a blink of an eye. All eyes are focused on a missing component of a nuclear weapon that can increase its accuracy so that it will always hit within range of the target. The chase takes Adam Moss around the world winding up between two of the most powerful forces in the world. This world-wind chase leaves bodies strewn around the planet before it reveals what the mad General Raatz is really up to... You will stay glued to your seat for the entire ride...
(322 pages) Paperback: $18.60 Download: $8.00
Final Warning

by les aaron friedlieb
Final Warning begins with a secret transmission to the president describing an imminent environmental threat to Europe. The president reads the summary, puts it down, mumbles a few words and heads out to the waiting helicopter. The stage is now set for a series of fast-paced stories that are interconnected threads of a complex environmental disaster in the making. The profiteers ignore or do not want to acknowledge the GAIA-like effects they have set in motion that are gathering force to push the world to the brink of collapse. We focus on those few courageous fighters who are working to reverse possible outcomes. But time is running out and the question is whether the profiteers can be stopped and the destruction they have set in motion reversed. Author's comments: As a former spokesperson for business, I wanted to educate people as to the environmental dangers we face at a time when even our government won't face up to the truth.
(452 pages) Paperback: $26.95 Download: $13.38
"The Lottery"

by les aaron friedlieb
The Lottery is a thriller about the power of the media and its dark secrets to control the mind. Lonnie Cantrell, a leading broadcaster for the Lottery's premier station, discovers the Network's nasty little secret and is forced to confront Dors Palentosh, Trumpian and August Grunyon, the triumverate that controls the Lottery, the entity that controls what people see and hear. The confrontation turns nasty and Lonnie is forced to do what he can to not only survive, but to also spread the word as to the Lottery's full intentions. The chase culminates in the Lottery's attempt to dispose of the world's leading monarch and the only one who knows the truth is Lonnie who has a price on his head. The excitement never ceases to the very last page. Tune in and enjoy the Lottery
(263 pages) Paperback: $16.60 Download: $8.75

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