Friday, May 25, 2007

Iran, the Next Tinder Box

Politics Blog Top Sites

The Pieces are All in Place…

I hate to rub salt in the wound, but the crisis in Iran is a potentially lethal one for us.
Consider, the other day, Bush gave the go ahead to the CIA and other agencies to do what they have to do to keep the Bay of Hormouth open so that the Iranians will not interfere with the flow of oil as I understand it.

Has anyone before heard of a president of the country giving direct and open instructions to one of our most covert agencies?

Not I.

What do I make of it.

I make of it is that Bush in Iran’s face again. And like our build-up to Iraq when we strong-armed the UN, we are using the same tactics once again to snub the Iranians and set-up all the pieces for subsequent actions. .

Why would we do that?

The only thing that occurs to me is that we want to show the Iranian premier that we cannot be intimidated, and that we are ready to back up what we say.

The last step is the easiest one and the most dangerous prelude to war.

It is to find “the cause.”

When in the past, America wanted a provocation, they didn’t have much trouble in getting it. From the Tonkin resolution to “Remember the Maine, “ America has always found a good reason to go to War.

Of course, the true motive for such doings may have nothing to do with Iran; it may simply be a way for Bush to go down through history as a good Republican who adeptly turned the reins over to his successors.

Here’s why: Americans don’t abandon their president in the midst of war.

If America were to plunge into war with Iran, it would almost guarantee another four years of Republican rule.

This is not such a far out scenario judging from what we’ve seen in the past and it should be evoking all kinds of dialogue but nothing is happening. No one is discussing this very real possibility and one wonders whether we have become so immune to the outlandish moves of ths government, that we have quietly gone into a deep two year trance to protect ourselves against the men in white with butterfly nets. The other scenario is that we just don’t care what happens and that nihilism usually brings out the worst in us.

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon..


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