Friday, May 18, 2007

The Immigration Fiasco

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May 18, 2007

The Smoke and Mirrors of Immigration circa 2007

Excuse me. Does anyone understand this new immigration bill?

I sure as heck don’t and nobody’s made sense of it..

THey tell us on the one hand that it isn't Amnesty but on the other, it sure seems like all those who have chosen the legal route to citizenship are being shunted aside. In effect, it seems a lot like rubber stamping illegal immigration and if that doesn't accelerate illegal border crossing--I don't know what will... In other words, it sounds more like surrender than anything else I could imagine.

Apparently, this bill has been crafted by “staff” members burning the midnight oil—more likely by business people who have the most to gain and on the staffs of the big processors and others who benefit from cheap labor with major provisions buried on page 599.

The bill, itself,is reported to be over 600 pages and coming up for a vote allowing our congressional representatives two or three days to read it in its entirety.

Sound familiar?

That’s the same way NAFTA made it through.

Nobody read the damn bill and we are still paying the price for it.

What comes as a great shock is that the NAFTA bill is far more comprehensive than anyone knew or admitted. And it has provisions that seem to open the door for further globalization that feeds that New World Order mentality….

Why does this happen?

Why is Congress pushing this bill?

Because Congress does not want to be made to look like a “do-nothing” group of amateurs when the truth is that nobody can agree about anything….and you know that when there is agreement under such circumstances, you don’t have a real bill with teeth in it but deplorable mush.

I don’t know about you but I am getting a bad taste in my mouth for the whole business.

I am sick to death of the recent deal made for trade returning power to the Executive for Fast Track. And I am sick of the fact that Charlie Rangel and Pelosi pulled it off without consulting with the rest of Congress.

This is a damn important bill for the Middle Class.

And we blew it.

Shame on us. If anyone needs a deux ex machine, it is the dems!....

Les Aaron

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