Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Train Wreck of Biblical Proportions?

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The Armchair Curmudgeon
March 18, 2007

Setting a Record for Train Wrecks

When I was fourteen years old, I saw one of the worst train accidents up close. Some 86 people died when two Long Island Rail Road trains collided causing a half dozen cars to telescope in a scene reminiscent of Dante’s Inferno. .

That was many years ago. And I was sure that as long as I lived that I would never see another train wreck as bad as this which still gives me nightmares.

But I’m not so sure anymore.

Listening to everything that has gone wrong for this president over the past few weeks seems to point in a train wreck coming, a train wreck that might rewrite history…

Beginning with the “surge” concept that this president has decided to push over the advice of his own father not to mention his own party, Bush’s intransigence has seemed to set the stage for his own downfall. It is hardly imaginable that the addition of twenty four thousand men at this stage of the game four years into a war where we have failed repeatedly to achieve traction seems like more of a delaying tactic than a strategy to be taken seriously. It is even more so when you consider that the Shia’ militias who are directly linked to Iraq’s leadership, are deliberately lying low through this phase of the conflict leading us to believe incorrectly that our policies are working.

Or, switching gears for a moment, consider the explanation as to why the Justice Department dismissed the Federal attorneys in mid-course which seemed to change minute by minute, day by day where everyone seems to be participating in the blame game. Even sweet little Harriet Meyers is morphing into a “hit man” for the president according to the latest reading of ‘emails.’

And so it goes.

It seems that everything this government is trying to do is doomed to failure.


One might argue that if you start off on a false premise, you wind up building a hollow enterprise that can’t stand up to a true test. This may be fundamental to the way this government operates, saying one thing and doing the opposite. And using lies, distortion and smoke and mirrors to cover its tracks.

But, ultimately, this is a short term policy and eventually as this president had discovered, it all catches up with you sooner or later. Nor did they count on a shift in the balance of power with Congress in control of one power that can change the fortunes of this administration virtually overnight.. Subpoena power allows the various committee chairmen to call the highest levels from the Executive to testify under oath.

And the Congress is going to use that power to leverage its strength to bring out the truth.

So, if we begin with these two recent set-backs for the government and add to the equation all of the other questions that need to be answered from 9/11 forward expect Congress to have a full plate through the Primaries of 08….

And don’t be surprised if we see the biggest train wreck to hit this country in several generations. A train wreck that might just reveal all of the flaws of this government and send some of its leaders packing…

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon


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