A Blessing Or The Kiss of Death?
With Republicans scattering in all directions when George Bush comes to town, one wonders why a Republican running for president would seek the support of a Bush family member.
But apparently one has.
Instead of turning around and heading for the hills, the candidate, in question, has accepted the support of one of the Bush’s for the upcoming election.
In this case, it’s sibling Dorothy Bush Koch, the sister of Jeb and George.
This may be construed as either a good or bad sign for Mitt’s chances, a thought that must be going through Mitt’s mind about now…
Mindful of not alienating his base which he has been cultivating shamelessly, Mitt has kissed the ring in his conversion to true conservatism even if it means swallowing a bitter pill on some issues and earning a deserved reputation for flip-flopping. Nevertheless, instead of dissuading Ms. Koch from lending her support, it has only encouraged her to make the leap. Mitt seems to making all of the right sounds and Ms. Koch’s commitment to conservative causes may be well served in this case. Either way, it doesn’t seem to be doing much for him in the polls; he currently rank third after Giuliani and McCain who lead up by ten to twenty or more points in the polls.
Moreover, Dorothy seems to be acting as perhaps a stalking horse for other family members to get on board inasmuch as Mitt seems to be the current poster boy for the Bush family during the upcoming election since regrettably the Dynasty does not seem to have a family member in play.
This has led to speculation that perhaps Jeb might jump on board the Mitt bandwagon; however, reporters’ repeated calls on Jeb have revealed his lastest pronouncement that he intends to stay “neutral” this year. And one wonders whether that is because he is still stewing after his brother closed the door on any possible run for the presidency in 08.
Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon
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