The Irony of Al Qaeda
The irony of Al Qaeda is the fact that it's worst enemy has made them stronger.
Without America, Al Qaeda wouldn't be.
We made Al Qaeda.
If we didn't attack Iraq, Al Qaeda would probably be a very weak and disorganized organization by now if it even existed.
We have made them strong with our frequent references to them as an organization.
In the last year, we have blamed Al Qaeda for most of the attacks on Americans in Iraq..
However, if you listen to the reporters, they will tell you that Al Qaeda has only a small role in Iraq and they have only appeared because they have been so publicized by the US--eager to brand them the culprit and the reason they attacked Iraq in the first place.
Lies have a way of not letting you go and forcing the bigger lie to end all lies.
In Afghanistan, we persist in believing that Al Qaeda controls what goes on. They do not..
Don't imagine that Al Qaeda is well liked.
They are not.
They are Arabs first of all in areas that are non-Arab.
Arabs are not well trusted even in the Middle East.
They are there for two reasons: They have money and they hate the US.
The fact is that today everyone hates us.
Because we are known as the Evil bullies who try to force their ideas down everyone's throat.
Guess what? People don't like that. Whether they are Sunnis, Pashtoons, Persians...
Meanwhile, Al Qaeda is flush with money. From what? Oil profits. From who? You guessed it.
There are simpathetic princes in Saudi Arabia, even relatives, who hate America. They funnel money to Al Qaeda and that's how they maintain their influence among the Tailiban.
The irony of it all is that we could have won influence with the neighboring tribes if we did the same thing. Only, it is too late now. Too late for America to win back the people.
In fact most people in Iran, Pakistan and the Middle East would like to see us disappear permanently.
This is the ironic truth.
What will we do about it?
We will continue to antagonize all of those who could be our friends...and we will make a hash of it all.
We will continue to buy oil.
And our so-called "friends," will continue to send some of those profits to bin Laden so that he can torment us further.
You figure it out!
And we thought that Alice's world was screwed up....
Les Aaron
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