Monday, February 26, 2007

Where's Our Leadership?

What has our leadership learned?

If we have learned anything from history, it should be that no leader can succeed without an understanding of the enemy. Every wise leader has studied all aspects of his opposition from the beginning of time. Those who didn’t bother, didn’t win. The biggest mistake in history was to underestimate your opposition!

With all that is available to us today, one would think that today’s warriors are well-armed to take on any adversary. But this leader thinks it beneath him to do his homework before leaping into an impossible venture and that is his undoing.

If we intend to vanquish the Iranians perhaps it might do well to study the experiences of Alexander in 318 BC when he attempted to take on Darius and capture the land of the Persians who are today’s Iranians.

One thing we might learn is that the Persians are not going to lay down and place roses in our rifle barrels. Sorry, guys!

We might also want to think about Alexander achieved success; it came from studying the enemy and leading his own troops into combat against Darius.

Alexander won because he had courage, good strategies and a dedication to winning and the support of his people.

Americans have willing soldiers, excellent weaponry but lack the benefit of an understanding of the enemy we face.

Moreover, this president does not have the support of the people or does he convince the opposition of his great courage.

These deficits cannot be made up through weaponry. They are deficits of character and they have plagued this administration from the very beginning.

It’s one thing to talk tough and quite another to let others do your fighting for you.

And that is where we are.

The Persian people have survived for more than 2,500 years….2000 years before America was even discovered.

And they are not about to fold now even though faced with America’s sizeable task forces.

A wise leader knows when to fight and when to use diplomacy.

Diplomacy does not come easily to a leader who wears cowboy boots and practices fast draws in the mirror.

It is here where it is the obligation of the people to return sanity to the entire equation lest we be cast into another nighmare of a scale that would dwarf what awaited us in our unwarranted attack on Iraq.

Les Aaron


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