Monday, February 26, 2007

Crying Wolf Too Often...

A Government That Has Trouble Telling the Truth!...

We are lied to regularly. We are told, for example, that we belong to a "coalition;" a coalition that is made up of us, 99% and everyone else, 1%. What kind of coalition is that? Again, word games. And just one example of how things are turned around in the interests of perpetuating a lie.

Vice President Cheney tells us that things are great in Iraq while our eyes tell us that we are on our last legs. The truth gets murkier when you look more closely at how the facts compare with what we are being told. The Pentagon told us that we have the most modern weapons and that nobody is better protected than our troops; yet the fact remains that many of the soldiers I know paid for their own armor and they are driving in equipment that has been around since I was in the War more than four decades ago.

Smoke and mirrors may be permissible if you are trying to impress the enemy but when America's leaders lie to their people, they begin to lose their credibility. Americans are inclined to believe what their leaders tell them until they find out otherwise. And once you are caught in a lie, whether you are a leader or someone next store, the people will think about what you say with a little more care the next time.
Well, we have examined the facts that go back to before we invaded this unhappy country of 26 million to discover that there is very little of truth that one can take away from this experience or feel good about.

Yes, Saddam was a bad man but there are plenty of bad men on the world stage. What made him so important that it was worth bleeding lives and spending monies that could have been used for positive purposes to put him out of business.

Was it a personal vendetta or an opportunity to show your macho power? Or something else?

Whatever the original intent which we still don't know, Saddam had no truck with bin Laden and it is clear we have been lied to up and down.
Is the fact that our government has not been honest with the people sufficient reason to bring him and his staff down? The legal eagles will have to decide whether there is sufficient cause; but if we could muster the votes to impeach William Jefferson Clinton for a civic act that pales in significance to the loss of our young people and misallocation of funds that could have cleaned up this country's educational problems for all people or provided important health care benefits for those who have no benefits, then it should be considered in the interests of saving our country and our futures.
It is inconceivable in the light of what we know now, that this leadership is considering 'punishing" Iran a country three times the population and size of Iraq, a country that has been around since the beginning of recorded history. Something is dreadfully wrong with a country that is led by a leadership that will not discuss issues or practice diplomacy and sees war as the only way to resolve problems. If nothing else, that, in itself, constitutes an impeachment offense.

It is sad that so few of our leaders have the courage to stand up and say that this is "wrong;" moreover, such tactics have only served to cheapen the image of America in the world's eyes who see us now as unrepenitent war-mongers who only understand the use of brute force and arrogance as the way to solve the world's problems.

In six years, we have undone the work and image of 200!

Shame on us!....

Les Aaron


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