It's Impossible!
What we now know:
It's possible to steal this country...
without a single voice raised in opposition...
It's possible to rig the voting machines...
to change outcomes...
It's possible to transform a democracy into an autocracy for the very rich
It's possible to destroy the Labor Unions and the Middle Class in one fell swope
It's possible to have leaders that don't have the good of the public in mind...
It's possible to have leaders who are dysfunctional, full of hate and bravado so as to distort American values
It's possible to go very far on bullying and aggression
It's possible to eliminate the vital documents that have defined us in less than four years...
It's possible to turn the world's leading economy into a banana republic in four short years...
It's possible for business to write all the laws and circumvent Congress
It's possible to grab power from the other two branches without an outcry
It's possible to intimidate the media through the power of the FCC and the IRS
It's possible to destroy vital checks and balances in the blink of an eye
It's possibe to render the opposition MUTE in the blink of an eye...
It's imposssible to find one brave man to stand up to tell the truth
And it's also possible that if he did, that no one would listen to him
It's possible to turn Americans against Americans...
It's possible to defy good sense and stay in office
It's possible to remove American's freedoms one by one until the Terrorists have won...
It's possible to want office more than you want to govern...
It's possible to put people in jobs that are diametrically opposed to their abilities, interests and talents as little as they may be..
It's possible to run a government without listening to anyone of good sense~
It's possible to ignore the forces of Nature until they swallow up this country....
It's possble to raise money from all kinds of sources who don't care what happens to a livible America...
It's possible to alienate every people on the planet in less than four years!
It's possible to make our tiny little blue orb unlivable
But it's not possible to remove them from office without a greater effort than anyone is willing to make.
Onesuspects that the Creator is readying Plan B...
Les Aaron
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