Friday, January 12, 2007

Has Our Illustrious Leader Lost It?

If you've listened to what the president wants and his rationale for adding twenty thousand more troops--what many believe is a case of too little, too late-- a thinking person would have to shake his head.

The question de jour: "What the Hell have we allowed ourselves to get into?"
How can this Executive base a policy on the flimsiest of agreements with a man who has consistently frustrated our efforts before.

The only thing that comes out of this speech is that we do not seem to be able to see the terrain objectively. We do not understand people. We do not understand the nature of the participants in this Civil War. We do not understand the regional forces in play here. And we tend to believe what we want to believe regardless of the facts.

Bush is right. Only it took him four years to own up to the blame and therefore his accepting blame is a little gratuitous and insincere.

And he is right that he has rejected the advice of his best advisors and the Iraq study group to prove that he is mano-a-mano. But this is a little bigger than ego games and petulance; it is about the future of the Middle East and the lives of our best and brightest. Are we simply throwing away the lives of our young so that he can say that he was right!--

But more critically, if this is how our Chief Executive's mind works, better start investing in space ships in a hurry.

What we hear coming out of our government is very scary.

It is as if magic and ego can conspire to make something out of nothing; to make a purse out of a sow's ear.

What we are hearing is not only close to impossible based on the facts, it is sleight of hand..

We have a plan built on the most flimsy of rationales.

We are basing the entire plan--the survival of this government--on a government that has ignored everything we said-- a government that has a direct interest in supporting one half of the participants in the Civil War.
This is a man in bed with Moktar, one half of the country's problem!
Hello! Is anybody listening out there?

At this point, wiser minds should prevail.

We based going into this war on the advice and guidance of a known liar and thief who we know had stolen millions of dollars from the Jordanian bank; yet we supported him and his cronies with taxpayer dollars to the tune of over 300, 000 dollars a month.

Now, we are basing our closing policy, our last shot, on speculation that we can influence a man who doesn't even want us there and who will not support us!

It is time for the courageous to speak up.
We cannot afford to have a government that thinks in such a careless and slipshod way deciding policy for the next two years!

We cannot afford to dig ourselves any bigger hole than we are already in.

It's time to demand that our representatives do the job they were elected to do.
It is time for the media to revert back to honesty in their coverage.

For four years we have sat by and idly let this group of men who have demonstrated an inability for serious thought to call the shots on our lives.

This cannot stand...

It is time for a new generation of Minutemen to come forward and tell the world that we refuse to rubber stamp their macho behavior. We are way behind playing cowboy here.

Les Aaron

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