Friday, October 20, 2006

Executive Branch Kills Middle Class

Executive policies and the Middle Class...

No one seemed to think it was a big deal…and it happened with little fanfare.

But historians will discover that if there was any one cause of the demise of the Middle Class, it was Fast Track and the other programs ceded to the Executive by a compliant Congress.. Innocuous and bland Fast Track changed the world for the Middle Class started simply as a way to negotiate trade agreements...but it had the effect of moving jobs "off-shore" and green-lighting other legislation favorable to management but a death blow to workers.


Here’s just a little background and a few insights garnered from the detritus of jobs scattered from coast to coast..

Executive legislation with the coup de grace made possible by Fast Track allowed the Executive Branch to indirectly control what happened with the economy in a way that was off the radar of the average citizen. It rewarded big donors by allowing them to move their manufacturing “off-shore;” but it didn’t end there. It also gave the wink-wink! to the managers of technology companies allowing them replace American workers with Green Card holders.

In one iteration of how this might work, The Executive Branch's donor-friendly policies made it possible for management to terminate computer trained professionals, have them retrain their replacements who were usually from South Asia..

Most of the so-called successors happened to be Green Card holders from South Asia who worked for one-quarter the salaries of the domestically trained professional.

You don’t need brain science to know that lower salaries translate into lower overhead and, consequently, higher profits. Management’s motivation: a higher percentage of these new profits were plowed not into worker benefits but bigger perks for the senior staffers. There is such a thing as being a selfish pig. Many American managers decided to take on the role of drooling Wooly Mammoths making 600 times the average line worker’s salary! That means in one day, these despicable human beings who think about no one but themselves earn what it takes an employee two years to earn on the floor! This disparity between worker and management exceeds anything known in the western civilized world.

Any wonder that the top 1 ½ percent of the population controls more than sixty percent of the nation’s wealth; or that 1 ½ percent of the population earns more than the bottom forty percent of the population after taxes? And why it takes two or three salaries today just to stay even with growing expenses and escalating food and energy costs.

As a result of such self-promoting programs, the US trained computer professionals, software engineers and others were set free to become all they can be.

So…what became of them?

Although we’re still finding answers, we do know that, increasingly, those who found work in their field did so through the expedient of going to work for Indian companies which became one of their few available options..

Their hope: They will do well enough that their Asian employees will send them back to work for American companies.

However, they will be employed by Indian companies; not American companies.

Incidentally, although they trained their replacements, they will earn one quarter of what they did working for American companies.

So, here’s the rub: You listen to your masters and get a good computer education with which you train your Indian replacements; then you go to India with the hope that you will find employment with an American company for one quarter what you would have earned if you were retained by the American company.

This may not be quite what American college graduates had in mind when their parents invested some 200,000 dollars in their college educations, but in the age of Alice, it is increasingly becoming the norm.

What is surprising is that the revolution hasn’t started yet!

Les Aaron

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